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"I don't understand Augustus!"

"Jefe, I can't do that, you have to eat. Apollo's orders."

"I don't care about Apollo's fucking orders, I am finding her."

"We will find her, Jefe but how are you supposed to function when you've not slept nor eaten in days."

"Oh fuck off Augustus." I growl.

"Just looking out for you Jefe."

"I didn't ask you too."

"You take care of us. Seeing you fall apart hurts us too Oliver. These men, your men want to get her back and hell they haven't even met her! I haven't even met her and I can't wait to kill the bastards that took her. From what I can see she makes you happy, no?"

My eyes glare at him.

"Leave me August."

"You know I can't do-"

"Leave this room or I swear Augustus I will put a bullet through your fucking head." I sneer. His body tilts towards the door but his mind knows not to give up.

"I'm not leaving until you eat." He says. He try's to sound confident and he lowers his voice for effect. It doesn't work.

My anger gets the better of me and my fists curve into his shirt as I slam his body into the wall.

"I'll fucking eat when I want to Augustus." I spit. Walking through the steel doors my rage radiates through the halls.

My breathing staggers and my hands find my hair. The stress tugs my hair and my eyes close as I let out a sigh. Unbuttoning my dress shirt, I pace around my office. The walls felt like they were going to collide with me any second and the anxiety ripped through me. My feet take me through the warehouse and out the door.

Weeks had passed and we still hadn't found her. With half my crew out dead and my head space uncontrollable this was taking longer than expected. My body was tired and I hadn't slept in days. We had ruled out a number of states she could been in. We had almost every airport or boarders checked and no sign of him taking her out of America. It was narrowed down to 29 states. It still wasn't good enough but every hour my men were working off the clock to find her. We had ran multiple bag round checks on Cloves father. He used to sell drugs and worked with multiple of my allies. He must've known who I am, and he was still stupid enough to take her away.

I missed her.

God I really fucking miss her.

My time had been spent with her, my thoughts had only been of her. I would look forward to coming home to her and seeing Ivan. It felt good to be with her, to actually care about another like that.

Just the thought about her gone had my body heat up. My emotions livid and as stupid as it sounds I wanted the satisfying feeling of my fist slamming into his jaw. My hands clutched my gun, as the tree in front of me stood still.

Whipping it out, already off safety— I am it at the center branch. Cocking the gun the bullet hits exactly where I want it to go and the birds quickly skater. All except for one bird.

LITTLE SHEEP|18+Where stories live. Discover now