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um some........readers keep commenting on how Ivan is ugly one, HES A 7 YEAR OLD CHILD ARE YOU JOKING? second, he's not supposed to be "cute" he's supposed to be a blonde haired boy (AND IT IS A SUGGESTION YOU DONT HAVE TO USE IT)
third, why does it matter if he's cute or not? not every wattpad character is going to be amazingly cute— he's 7 years old, please calm down.

let's just forget i took like a 2 month break but whatevaaaaa
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comment or die/• 3

i like to read your comments so pretty please comment:)


"Do you have any hobbies?"

"Um not that I can think of?"

"Well what are some things you like to do?"  Ms. Dove asks me.

I really do think Mrs. Dove is the most beautiful person I have ever ever seen.

"Um I like to hang with Oliver a lot. I like to shop? And I-I like to eat? And I like to watch movies, Oh! And I like to read, although I am not that god at it—mostly my boyfriend reads to me." I say giving her a big smile.

I really like therapy. It's like adult play dates. But sometimes it makes me cry.

A lot.

But that's okay because Mrs. Dove says crying if very good for you.

"Clove, I want you to start doing things for yourself, cooking, go shopping, do things you like to do for yourself. Not for someone else. Have Oliver take you out shopping, cook a meal for yourself. Do whatever makes you feel happy. Re-build your happiness, re-build the things you enjoy."


"You look very sexy today my love."

"You are being silly." I giggle hiding into his bicep.

"When am I ever silly little sheep?" He smirks pulling my chin to meet his gaze. He is scrumptious to look at.

"You are silly a lot!" I defend. And it is true! On multiple occasions he is a big goof ball. He rolls his eyes and scoffs under his breath but never less pulls me closer into his side.

"You want to talk about anything today? Anything on your mind?"

"Dr. Dove says I should do things I like." I say turning my head a different direction. My cheeks flame as I think about everything I like.

"Hm, and what did you tell her? What do you like to do?"

"I-I told her I like you and shopping. I-I forget what else." He chuckles with a kiss to my nose as I snuggle further into the covers.

"I think that's a good idea."

"Whats a good idea?"

"Going to the mall." He says.

I groan quietly as I hide under the covers, I close my eyes and pull my body closer to Daddy's.

"I wanna sleep first. Oh! That's another thing I like to do, sleep." I mumble before closing my eyes again and grinning at the soft blanket and warmth resting over my body. I hear Daddy's soft chuckle before I feel the heat move as he is cuddled up against me.


I love it here.


"Last time I was here was forever, forever." I say hiding behind Daddy's large form.

"I would bring you here more often, if we ever gotten out of bed for something other than work." He chuckles, as my cheeks turn red.


Walking around the big mall was easier than before. Maybe it's because I had Daddy this time but whatever for I was feeling much lighter and free.

"Can we get some candles?" I oogle as we pass the store with all the scents.

"Sure baby." He mumbled kissing my forehead.

Oh we were going to buy so much stuff today. And I don't even think I will feel too much bad about it.

"I-I don't want to. I-I cant get it off a-and it- it" I stumble over my words making sure to mumble the last part, "Shows too much."

"You want me to come in there with you?"

"Mhm." I hum. Daddy's seen me like this a gazillion times so I wasn't nervous. Only a little bit.

"God Clove how did you get it like this."

"I-I don't know." I whine as he fondled with the straps of the dress. His fingers brush against my almost bare chest. After a minute of out combined breathing he finally unties the accidental knot with a sigh.

"I'm assuming you do not want this dress?" He smirks down at me. I hide my face in my chest as I wrap my arms around his abdomen, hiding my pout.

"It looked so beautiful on you though baby." He teases.

"That's only because you got to see my balloons."

He chuckles at me.

I wasn't kidding.

"Nothing I haven't already seen little sheep."

"Oh shush." I pout pulling away, grabbing as many bags as I could and rushing out the door. Daddy's quickly grabs my waist pulling my into his chest before leaving down and whispering in my ear.

"I want a show when I get home."


"Okay, t-the next i-items are a-a little scandalous b-but I w-wanted t-to buy them any-any way." I stutter as I hide behind the door. The women said with my porcelain skin and white hair that black would give me a dark but innocent and sexy look. I absolutely checked out and ran out of the store with a bright red face but I really liked how I looked.

"Come out baby."

"O-Okay." I slowly pull the door away to reveal my black lace stockings with a matching bra and undies.

"Maldita mierda ovejita."
(Fucking shit little sheep.)

"D-Do you like it?"

He hums, "I love it mi amore."

He strides towards me urgently to wrap his arms around my body and pick me up. My legs wrap around him as his hands cup my bum bum tightly. My cheeks flush as I feel his hard on slightly rub against me.

"C-Can y-you touch me Daddy? Please. I-I don't k-know w-what to do. Y-You haven't touched me. Touched me good, in months."

"Y-You're doctor said no more physical exercises." He defends.

"B-But! But I like physical exercises."

"Jesucristo clavo."
(Jesus Christ Clove.)

Before I can ask him what he means he instantly crashed his lips with mine. Our kiss so deep our teeth clashed together more than once as he carried us to the bed room. I instantly moaned as I grinded my flower into his large pant tent. I threw my head back with another moan and the image of us together forever. I love this man with everything my life had to offer, and I don't think I'd ever stop.


sloppy i know but whatever


-need sexy time? go to my one shots book that has LOTS of sexy time #ad #selfpromo #winkwink

(epilogue and maybe a christmas chapter later in the year coming next then this book is done for)

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