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****ok how would u guys feel if i did smut in like maybe the next chapter or the one after that. i kinda feel like that would be moving too fast but at the same time it wouldn't and i want to write it. but i really don't want u guys to think it's moving to fast so please let me knowww***



Giggling and more giggling.

That's all I've been doing all night. Daddy tells me embarrassing stories of people he knows and even himself.

"One time, visiting Russia my partner was hungry he sat down in a restaurant and ordered what others where having. Only then when he went to pay he realized it was someone's 70th birthday party. So jodidamente embarrassing. I fired him after that." he says chuckling at the memory.

I instantly burst into a loud fit of high pitched giggles and throw my head back. Good thing no one was in this room besides us.

The room had one tiny light but the light from the water and fishies provided enough.

"Sammie did that once too! Although she did it on purpose" I try to get out in between giggles.

"She- She wanted free food, and- and-" I start giggling like crazy.

This is so embarrassing.

I hide my face in my hands and try to stop laughing but then I feel warm hands. The warm hands pull mine away from my face and I and
met with Daddy's green eyes.

My favorite color.

He smiles at me and quickly kisses my lips. My face heats up like a fire. All he does is smirk back at him.

"Cute" he smirks

Oh my goodness. Again my face heats up and I have the urge to hide my face again.

"Finish the story little baby" he chuckles.

Yes finish the story.

"W-well Sammie wanted free food so she snuck in a wedding saying she was the mother. We were coming back from a dance so we were wearing dresses. And- And- She told the whole restaurant she was the owners wife. Then- Then- we got free food. But the boss came back and we had to run 4 blocks away from him" I giggle.

He smiles at me and chuckles.

"You had fun yes?" he smiles.

"Yes it was so funny" I smile.

"I'd like to meet this Sammie you alway talk about" he smirks. I instantly smile at him and nod my head.

Truth is that I had thought about Sammie meeting Daddy. But I don't want them to meet.

I know it is very selfish of me.

But I'm scared.

She's so much prettier than me.

She's perfect.

She has pretty eyes and pretty hair.

And a pretty body

And a funny personality.

She is so much better than me every way shape and form.

Sammie is the prettiest person I have ever seen in the world. Prettier than models and girls at the schools I've been to. And way prettier than me.

A-And I don't want him to like Sammie more than me.

You sound horrible.

So what if he'd like Sammie more?

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