chapter9 ✔︎

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little sheep is just so bad i literally cant bring myself to edit it bc it's so cringy [1•18•21]
LOOK HOW GOOD SHE LOOKS IN HER FAV COLOR🙌🙌 also i literally HATE this abuse it makes me want to throw up and cry but i'll still write it anyway✋
also I finished editing the other chapters and I added a little extra part for sammie in like the second chapter if u want to read it but u dotn have to.

trigger warning: strong abuse

He locks her in a cage. With nothing but a collar. She cries and cries. She just wants to be free. She doesn't like this. At all. She feels so alone. And scared. Terrified.

"There's a good puppy. Cry all you want you are staying in that cage all night."  He says.

The hatred she feels is unlike any other. She has to stay in the small dog cage all night. All she wants to do is let her legs stretch and free. She can't handle small places. It hurts just being cramped in such a small place. Treated like a dog. You don't know how bad it is until you imagine. Trapped. In a small dog cage. So small. Trapped and locked it for 10 hours. All cramped and trapped. Waking up every hour because your body needs to move but it's caged in. She needed to move but she couldn't. It was torture. She finally looks up and sees that her papa enters.

"You can't fucking be quiet can't you?! I tried to be nice and leave the lights on for you! But you can't stay the fuck asleep and take your punishment like a good doggie. So now your light privileges have been revoked." he says laughing at his "daughter" cry. and plead to stop. But he walks out and turns the light off.

Cloves worst fear

The dark.

This was worse then anything ever.


Screaming. More screaming that was leaving my mouth. I quickly close it realizing it was coming from me. It was just a dream. It was just a dream.

Gosh you're lucky you didn't wake up Ivan. It was just a dream Clove. Calm down. He can't get you. He's away. Yes. He is away.

I quickly get up and head to the kitchen. I open the fridge obviously knowing nothing is in there. But sometime in the back catches my eye. Ice cream.

That will put some happiness in my belly.

Oli must've bought it. Yummy yummy Oli. I quickly grab the ice cream and shiver from the coldness. Yummy yummy ice cream!

I take a plastic spoon from the cabinet and sit on the floor to start eating. I love strawberry ice cream. It's so yummy. And it fills my tummy.

I giggle. You see I did that on purpose because it rhymes.

Finally eating almost half the very big carton I push it back in the fridge and head back to my comfy bed. I see that Ivan has snuggled in the sheets.

My sweet little baby.

I climb into the bed with him and pull him to my chest.

"I couldn't sleep Clovey so I thought I'd scare the monsters away for you so you can sleep."  He whispers. A tiny smile grows on my face. I love Ivan but he is too silly. The monster is already gone but it never truly escapes my mind. Its pathetic that it just sits there, no matter how hard I try to forget. I cant ever be normal. I want to be normal.

I want to stop shaking whenever a stranger comes over to me. I want to be able to close my eyes without waking screaming. I so very much wanted it be normal.

LITTLE SHEEP|18+Where stories live. Discover now