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"Santa came!!!!"

I groan as I hear Ivan's tiny little voice wake me up. I feel Daddy's  arm tighten around my waste pulling me closer to him. He hides his face groaning in my hair and mumbling something in spanish.

It was probably something inappropriate.

"Merry Christmas Ivan." I smile at him. He cares next to me then he snuggles into the blankets next to me.

He giggles looking me in my eyes, "Can we open presents now?" He whispers.

I smile at his cute little face giving his chubby cheeks a kiss.

"Yes little baby. Let's just wait for Oli to get ip first."

Ivan eagerly nods and runs off. I turn on my side face to face with Daddy.

"Merry Christmas." I smile at him. He slowly opening his eyes and kisses me on the forehead.

"Merry Christmas baby."

My core tightens and my cheeks heat up like they always do at the name. He pulls we closer for a kiss but I put my hand in front of my mouth directly blocking him.

"No, one I haven't even brushed my teeth, two well...well it's Christmas and we need to open presents silly." I whispered quickly rushing out of bed and into the bathroom connected.

I never liked the coldness that I felt every time I got out of bed but I paid no mind, considering I was always cold anyway. I did my business as fast as I could before practically slamming the door open to see him. He sat up against the bed frame like an angel smirking at me suggestively.

I quickly giggle crawling on the bed giving him a kiss. I tried pulling away but he grabbed my face right back to his and kissed me deeper.

I loved his kisses.

I pulled away with a moan trying to hide my clenched thighs.

"Daddy we have to go-" kiss "Open-" kiss "Presents."

He rolls his eyes pulling a t-shirt over his had quickly picking me up in his arms and carrying me to the living room. Once I saw the tree my eyes popped out of there sockets.

Holy moly peanut butter.

That was a whole lot of presents.

He slowly puts me down not one letting me go. His arms circle around my waist and his tired eyes shut as he bends down hiding his face in my neck yet again.

"I don't remember there being this many presents when I went to sleep."

He shushes me giving my neck a soft kiss, "I had some of my maids do this while you slept."

"This is way too much."

He rolls his eyes and I scoff, "I mean it I-" He quickly cuts me off with a kiss.

"Go open your presents." He says kissing my forehead. Like I could resist presents. Hehe.

Side by side me and Ivan open our gifts together. It was so nice to see Ivan have so many gifts. It was usually never liek that. I did get him a lot of gifts. I usually saved up months and months so when the time came I had enough money for at least six fun gifts plus candy.

It was my favorite time.

Daddy got me some very nice things that I couldn't stop staring at. I hadn't gotten Christmas gifts in sooo long. I always got one or two from Sammie, but her parents never liked me much so I would never see her until the break was over. Plus Sammie didn't have much money either so I didn't want her to get me anything.

I tried and tried to get Daddy to open his gifts but he insisted on waiting until after I was done. I gently pulled the last present out and unwrapped it. My cheeks blushed at the skimpy night material and I quickly shoved it away out of view with a humph. I could hear Daddy's chuckles as I turned around and hid in his chest.

"Thank you." I whispered. "I really don't know how I will ever be able to repay you, honestly. It all so much, I don't even think I deserve it. I'm just so happy I don't even know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything." He says kissing my forehead.

"I love you." I whisper. I feel his arms tighten around me.

"I love you too little sheep."

I close my eyes enjoying the bliss for a couple seconds. It was so nice to enjoy life without the constant fear. Without the constant running and the constant worry and financial problems. This was what life was supposed to be like. Happy.

"Did you open all your gifts?" He says his eye brows furrowing and the corners of his mouth tilted downward.

"Um... Yes? I think I did." I said smiling.

"I don't think so, go check again."

"Oh okay!" I hopped off the couch and searched through the piles of wrapping paper and the thorns of the pine needles.

"Oops! I think I forgot one!" I say smiling. I read the lable and it was different this time.

' To : Clove
From : Santa '


I quickly unwrapped the tiny box with eagerness. The last gift of Christmas.


But the second I opened it, my heart beat stopped. Staring back at me was the most beautiful thing a woman could ask for. It was beautiful but simple. It wasn't too flashy but wasn't normal. It didn't look like everyone else's but yet it looked so simple. A ring.

I felt the cold tears swell up in my eyes and I tried blinking them away but it was no use. I was so happy I couldn't control it. This was my life now. This was the 'better' when someone would repeat to her 'it will get better'. My heart was pounding in my ears and before anyone said something the word 'Yes!' ringed in my ears over and over. I felt Daddy's heat come from behind me, his hands trialed up and down my arms and shoulders. The crease of my neck was hot as I felt his lips trial kisses along side. He whispered into my neck although it was so soft, which was unlike him, but it sounded like the loudest song in the word.

"Merry Christmas baby."


He stared down at her with a smirk. "Didn't even give me a chance to ask, hm?"


is this rly the end?


i might like make extra chapters later but 1 i hate writing in 1st person. and 2nd i am SOOO INCONSISTENT IT IS CRAZY but i thought u guys deserved a epilogue i have been planning on one for a long time i was j too lazy to write it.

anyway i miss u guys

i love u too much it is unhealthy but i hope u enjoy and i love you.

i have another account _baileyrose  that i post good books on there (which i am more consistent on) and i have a one shots books that i am very proud of if u would like to read more of my works

i love u!

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