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i took a well needed break hehe
did it help? no, i still feel like poop- BUT it was a very needed break<3


The pains and screaming never stopped. It was just like before. And I hated it. A cold vicious hand was threaded around my throat.

"You know what I was thinking about when I was in prison?" He smirks as his nails drew blood from the side of my neck. My body shook and my tears echoed. My throat was closing inch by inch and I could feel my vocal cords crunch. I tried to gasp for air but it was no use.

It never was.

It was like nothing changed, it was like I went back to my old self. I had no happiness left. I wanted Daddy. I tried not to think about him because it would hurt like- like being told you could go to a water park then your grandma dies.

That would be awful.

It is awful.

And I hate it. I can't control my body nor my breaths nor my tears and it hurt.

"I was thinking about how you got it so easy huh? I was rotting away in that cell with no contact. You're a monster Clove. You put your own father in a prison did you?!" He screams.

"You took Ivan's father away from him! You took his mother! What did Ivan do to you in which you brought him so much pain Clove!" He yelled as his spit fanned my face.

My heart hurt. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to I promise. I promise. I didn't want to ruin Ivan. I- I- I hated it.

"What did I ever do to you that you would send me away Clove?!"

My body shook with a sob and my eyes closed. My stomach hurt and I wanted to just lie there dead. I didn't want to go back. sI wanted to disappear. We had been here in this place for two days now maybe and everyday had been like the deep depths of lava.

"ANSWER ME CLOVE!" He screamed. A cry left my mouth.

"Y-You d-d-d-didn't do anything! It was me! I promise it was! I-I-I-I am sorry."

He grips the back of my hair and a whimper leaves my lips.

"Go downstairs." He says glaring down at me. My heart strucks and fear fills my veins.

"No- No- no papa please! Please don't send me downstairs! Please, please-" I sob. I grip his shirt in hope he will listen. I hate down stairs.

"Please." I sob. My tears dripped down my chin and my stomach clutched. Without a glance he rips my hair and leads me to the basement stairs. He opens the door and forces me in.

"Stay in there you stupid ugly bitch. You are to not tell Ivan either. You are well over due for a punishment. Fucking putting me in prison Clove?!" He screams and slams the door. My body flinches and I head slams into the wall. Then the dreaded sound fills my ears. The one that sets my heart into a unconscious state. A sound I hated.

The locking of the door.

My body flings foreword and I shake the handle. It's locked.

LITTLE SHEEP|18+Where stories live. Discover now