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"Clovey! Can we see Oliver again!" Ivan shouts.

I smile down at him as we walk home from Ivan's school. I couldn't stay focused all day. I almost messed up 2 peoples orders today but I couldn't help it. All I could think about was my date later.

It would be my first ever date.


"Not tonight Ivan. Tonight I think you're going to stay in with Sammie" I say picking him up and placing him on my back.

"Ok! Sammie can make me some pancakes!" he says. I giggle as our apartment comes into view.

"C'mon little baby lets go upstairs and complete your homework. I'll call Sammie over" I say.

"Can we race up the stairs?" he asks

"Yes of course" I smile placing him on the ground and he takes off running up the stairs.

Silly Ivan.

He wins of course as I huff and puff and collapse with Ivan on the bed.

"How was school little bug?"

"It was good! Look what I made you! I made you a hand turkey and I made a little one for me too!"

I giggle. Ivan is everything. I don't know what I'd do without him.

"Oh wow! Look at that. It even has blonde hair like you and me." I giggle at him and pull him in a tight hug. He is so cute I could squish him to death.


I won't.

I promise.

"How about you do your homework little baby and I'll call Sammie over."

"Ok!" he shouts and head to our counter with his backpack. I quickly rush to pick up the house phone and dial Sammie. Right away the ringing stops.

"Samantha here" she sings and I giggle.

"Hi Sammie" I smile into the phone.

"Oh it's just you" she says and the line goes dead.

W-What just happened.

D-Did she not want to t-talk?

I'm sorry I-

Soon I hear a knock on my door.

"Open up Clove! I hung up as a joke" She says in a playful tone. I smile. That scared me.

Ivan quickly runs and opens the door for her. He gives her legs a big hug and she smiles down at him. She smiles at me,

"Sorry Clove I though it was funny" She says laughing.

"I was already on my way to your house anyway to see if you got my gifts" she says wiggling her eye brows.

My cheeks heat up. Along with skirts, shirts, sweaters, sweaters, she also got me some things from a Victoria store. I've heard of it before but never would I think that store would have such a inappropriate selection of bras. I blame Sammie though. I'm sure she just bought the worst ones.

"I d-did receive your gifts. Thank you so much Sammie, really. I haven't had this many clothes in my wardrobe since I was like 14." I say to her.

"D-Do you want me t-to buy y-you lunch for the n-next couple of m-months? I c-can t-try! I- can try and-"

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