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"You're- You're back" I whisper. In the dark, shaking but I can still feel it's presence. Suddenly big arms wrap around me.


"I am back princess"


I try to see him. In awe of his deep voice. His voice. It's graceful yet so dark.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"You want me to leave?"

"No! No! Please don't leave! I want you here!" I say holding tight onto his arms.

If only I could see his face.

"Please stay" I whisper to him

"Ok baby, I'll stay" he says and kisses my forehead. A feeling jolts in my belly. The feeling I have been getting recently.

My palms all sweaty.

The panting.

The need to touch myself.

The need for this warmth to touch me.

"Hmm. That won't do baby" he chuckled to me.

"Have I done something wrong?"

"No princess. On the contrary,but I can feel what you feel. I can smell you little baby. How sweet you smell. How much you want me to play with you."

The dark is the only thing saving me now.

I gulp.

Because I do want him to do that.

I do want him to play with me.

I want him to touch me but I would play with him if he wanted.

I don't know what we'll play but I'd do it if that means I'd get to stay with him.

"I'll play with you!"

"Baby, what I want to play you won't be able to handle."

"But I want to play! With you! I-I can handle it! Pleaseeeee"

"You don't even know what you're asking for" He husks.

So sexy.

Bad Clove

"Then tell me, please!"

He chuckles, "Such good manners baby."

I smile. He is proud of me for using manners.


"Now will you tell me what game we are playing?"

"Baby, I-"


"What you're asking for is to have me gently touch you-"

I can feel his breath on my ear.

"To take my time with you. And caress your pretty pussy. Then without warning shoving my fingers in you showing you just exactly who you belong to. You want that princess? You want daddy to caress you? To have to begging and dripping. And crying to let you release? You really want that?"

LITTLE SHEEP|18+Where stories live. Discover now