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hii ok i made a new book called champagne problems and i think i love it more than my own life but like whatever you should read it.

also if u haven't noticed clove is a tarsus and so she is very possessive because of her need to feel secure along with daddy so just clearing that up(that's why she has arguments with herself most of the time)


"Mommy what's happening?"

"Shhh Clove, do what he asked and head down to the basement." Her mother scolds.

So thats what Clove did, she quietly proceeded to the basement. They were laughing when they looked at her. They were laughing at her and mocking her.

"Look who's here?" one of the men rumbled and they other men drank and laughed.

"Is she obedient Tom?" one asked.

"Oh yes, takes after her mother." Her father smirks.

"Oh yes, I remember how good ol' Amanda felt, like heaven." one said.

Clove couldn't comprehend what they were saying, if she had known she would've left the basement already, she would've stuck up for her mother. But Clove as always, was completely clueless.

"Yes I can only imagine how fine this one feels." one sighs and chugs down another beer.

"We aren't allowed to fuck her yet gentlemen." her father announces. That sends them in a uproar.

"I am not having her pass out, leaving people to ask questions if she has to go to the hospital. You can control your dick for now, just as I have." he explains.

"Then why is she down here?" one growled.

"Because I have a business deal..." her father goes on.

Clove standing there clueless as they are in a huddle. Little did she know they were bargaining on her life. No one necessarily knew exactly what Tom Tali wanted but all they knew was that in exchange they would get 3 free nights with the precious Clove. Before she can comprehend she was being blind folded and when her eyes opened again she was in the punishment room.

She was being tied up and her clothes were being stripped off. She cried and begged for them to stop as she was completely nude under them. They only thing she heard was the lustful laugher coming from there drunken forms.

Soon enough it was one of their turns. He held open her mouth and kissed her as he almost crushed her fragile jaw in his hand. He scratched her body as blood spilled and he cummed all over her face. She begged and pleaded for the pain to stop but byt the time he was up it was the next.

They laughed at her as she thrashed against the medal and as they held her down, forcing her to swallow things and substances. Laughed at her as she cried to the cigarette burns they left on her shoulders and back of her neck.

One was keeping her legs together, pinned and scraped for his tongue. Another cut designs into her armpit and shoulder. And soon her blind fold was captured as she was met with the of her father. And she screamed.

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