chapter8 ✔︎

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Seeing her sleep on my lap was way different then anything I've felt before. It made me want to protect her. Save her from all the evil in the world, only letting me ruin her.

I should crush her. Hurt her. Leave her. Like I do everyone else. But I can't. And I don't know why. Something about her made me go weak. God. She makes me go all over the place. I'm with the most innocent girl and i'm just 5 hours I had to kill 3 of the worlds most wanted men.

How they managed to slip past our system? I don't know. I blame Apollo always fucking his wife never doing his job anymore. Ever since he married his wife he has had too much faith in people. She wants me to stay huh? I usually never stay but I cant say the word 'no' to her.


Suenas como un perro enfermo de amor

[You sound like a love sick bitch]

I look over at her. A sheep any wolf could devour. So fragile even a weak fucker could hurt her. She needed saving. From herself. From the world. I of all people shouldn't be the one here. To be around her at all. But I don't want anyone else touching her.

Looking over at Clove I see her clutching her face. Her body. I see her franticly look around. She presses her hands to her ears. She looks so broken. So scared. I want to fix her. But only she can do that. I will just have to try and save her from herself for now.

I quickly usher her to come onto my lap. Without noticing she climbs on and stuffs her head under my white dress shirt. Such a little baby. I gently rub her head through my shirt. She looked so innocent and fragile I can't help but think of corrupting her, marking her skin as mine.

Mal momento tu perro

[bad timing you dog]

I hold her closer to my chest hoping she calms down. Her breathing clams and I relax. I don't even think she knows I'm touching her. She usually responds to my touch. But she's in her own world now. She buried her head again. She looks like she is trying to hide.

"Little baby what-"

With a knock on my window I roll it down.

"Hi Sir. May I ask who you are here to pick up?"

I feel her body relax into mine. All I want to do is cheer her up. I feel her body lightly shiver against mine. I pull her close to me and respond to the old women, 

"Ivan Tali"


Watching my little sheep fall asleep in my lap as Ivan hops in the back. I turn on Auto-Pilot.

"Where is Clovey-"

"Shhhhhh. Your sister is sleeping." I whisper. He states back at me with those big blue eyes they both have. I clear my throat breaking eye contact with the child, "I'd though we could go for some ice cream?"


"Shhhhhh-don't wake her up." I say growl.

He quickly nods. They both look so much alike. Como pequeños bebés. Although Ivan almost acts more mature than her, they both are so naive.

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