chapter7 ✔︎

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[edit 2021 september: i'm sorry im not updating but i don't even think i can put in words how i am feeling rn
edit again 2021 october: this week has been one of the worst weeks i've had in a whileeee]


Into the view of my window I see Oliver drive into the school. We pass the high school on the way there. As exciting as high school sounds I wasn't really looking forward to going. I had a scheduled routine, although I wasn't very good at following it. I'd walk Ivan to Sams, walk to the cafe then pick up Ivan and walk home. School would just end up complicate things. I remember school when I was little it was never ending stress. Stress. Stress. Stress. And more stress. And then Papa. He would do things after school.

I feel large, warm muscles surround my body. I curl into it. It's warm. Very much like a toaster oven. Warmer then the two sweaters and skirt I'm wearing. I don't like the cold yet somehow I also wake up cold. But Oli is always so warm.

"C'mon little sheep, your shaking. You don't have to go to school if you really don't want to. Your still getting a education though but you don't have to go to school if it makes you this nervous. I only wanted you to go to have fun not to be worried" He says holding me closer to is chest.
He unbuckles my seat belt and easily picks me up in his lap. I am almost tempted to tell him to put me down, that I'm too heavy, but I know that is not the case. I don't have the curvy beautiful body everyone wishes for. No, I look like a deformed stick figure.

Everyone telling me how I should eat more and more. Always forcing food on my plate. Making me eat it because I'm too skinny. And I do. I just can't afford dinners for both Ivan and me every night. It's not like I'm trying to not eat my fruits and veggies. I-I just can't eat. I cant afford it. As much as I do eat I think that food goes to my boobies. I look so weird I hate it. They are so big. And I'm so tiny. And skinny. It really doesn't look right. It's proportioned weird.

I need to stop complaining. You have always looked weird. Always. Always never been perfect enough. You know this Clove. You know this.

Soon my head is filled with annoying sound of cars. I cover my ears. I hear honking. What's worse than people is loud noises. I hate them. More than anything. And this time it is so loud. This time the honks of the cars are ringing. And it hurts. It makes me want to throw up. It makes me want to curl up in the quietest room alive for a day and just lay there. In peace. In quiet. I need quiet. I don't want rough, I want soft.


I need to hide. I need to burry my head. Drown out the noises. Go under water. Do something. I grab Oliver's suit and I craw under it. I feel my face on his warm skin. I cover my ears. They get so sensitive when I think way too hard. About myself. About the past. About something sad. About something I hate.

"Little baby what-"

"Hi Sir. May I ask who are you here to pick up?" I hear a lady say. Her voice is soft. Like a little old lady. I like old people. I am not afraid of old people. In fact I consider them my favorite people. They are usually very nice and know very much. They are also cute and squishy. Even the miserable ones are cute and squishy.

"Ivan Tali." He says.

I feel a warm hand on my head. Stroking. Calming me down. He must look ridiculous with me in or should I say under his shirt but I'm not letting go. No sir. Just for now I want Oli all to myself. I snuggle further into his toned chest. And you know what. I am not even embarrassed. I don't care if my face is bright red and I'm sweating and I'm nervous. Nope.

Something weird but exhilarating I've noticed is he brings me comfort. Which is kinda weird but I don't mind. I like using him as my teddy bear. I giggle. He is a big teddy bear.

"What's so funny baby?" He asks. I giggle some more and he puts his head in his shirt. He looks down at me in his shirt and I look up, resting my chin on his stomach. I giggle. He looks funny with his head in his shirt.

"You're so weird." He says in his deep voice. I frown.

"No I'm not!" I say pouting. He smiles down at me and releases his head from his shirt so I can't see him anymore.

"Silly." he says. I climb out of his shirt and look up at him with an angry face. I hope he feels bad right now.

"I am not silly! Y-you- Y-you are silly!" I cross my arms over my chest with a pout showing how upset I am. Hmph.

I am not silly. I am a fully grown and big 18 year old! I am not silly. If anything he is silly. I-I mean he- he- he- well I don't know what he does but he is more silly than me!

"Okay, okay baby. Whatever you say." he says smirking.

He gently grabs my face with his large warm hands. Honest to strawberries he is so warm I don't understand it. Almost like he's a bear. Or a wolf. But wolf eats sheep. And I'm his little sheep. I don't want him to eat me. I would die if he ate me. And I don't even think humans taste that good.

He pulls my face towards his chest and I lay on it.

"Close your eyes baby, get some rest." He says

Its true I didn't get enough sleep last night. Less than normal anyway. I had two nightmares last night. It was very very scary. I hate remembering. So I close my eyes.

"W-what about Ivan?" I ask

"I'll take him to get the ice cream you promised him while you sleep little baby."

"Oh- Okay." I hear little foot steps but not before I fall sleep on Oliver's warm chest.




LITTLE SHEEP|18+Where stories live. Discover now