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*make sure you specifically read chapter 40 before this because i just added it*

warning: high level bdsm like very very high degrading n stuff(stop complaining ppl i think it's hot and it's my book; if you don't like it skip over it)


I squirm as I feel kisses down my bare back. After a full week of us being together it was finally time to leave.

We had spent everyday together; as he left for work and came home early. It had been amazing and perfect.

"Wake up baby." He hums and trails his fingers over my back.

"I don't want to." I whine and snuggle my face into the pillow.

"But you have to." He says.

"Stop being a brat Clove and get up." He husks.

"I already packed your stuff, the car leaves in 30 minutes." He hums and kisses my shoulder.

"But I don't want to!" I groan and hide in the blankets.

"30 minutes Clove. No longer." He growls and leaves the room.

But I don't want to.

But you have to.

I just want to lay in bed and eat.

But you can't.

But I want to.

"Wake up Clove the car is here!" I hear a a yell. I spas awake. I fell back asleep.

"Clove?" Opening the door, Daddy comes storming in and meets my eyes. He smirks and strides towards me.

"I should've known you wouldn't have listened." He chuckles.

"I-I-I am sorry! I really didn't mean to!"

"Oh I know you didn't little sheep." He hums and kisses my forehead.

"We all make mistakes."

"I promise on the world I really didn't mean to fall asleep." I pry.

"I know, I know. But did you listen to Daddy?"

"N-No." I drop my head.

"Let's go the car is out front."

I side on a cute purple dress and hope for forgiveness.

Holy moly.

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