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"¿Tienes alguna información sobre su paradero?" I growl into my phone.
(Do you have any information on his whereabouts?!)

This fucker was just slipping through the cracks. He had men everywhere. How the fuck had he managed to escape? His fucking daughter.

He claimed they could keep her if he let him go; after multiple attempts and threats they finally let him go.

That fucker kept slipping away and he wanted to take Clove with him.

"Lo siento jefe pero todavía está fuera del radar."
(I'm sorry boss but he is still off the radar.)

"Estás despedido, que Agosto termine el trabajo." I sigh.
(You're fired, have August finish the job.)

"Jefe, por favor puedo hacer esto. por favor no puedo perder este trabajo!"
(Boss, please I can do this. Please I can't lose this job!)

I sigh into the phone.

If this was Clove you wouldn't want her to lose this job.

But this isn't Clove.


"I'll move you to a different department, don't worry. I'll have Apollo on it. For now you and August work on it. I want him found by the end of the week, am I clear?"

"Si Jefe. Si."

"Bueno." I growl and hang up the phone. I tap the button on my wheel, desperate to here her voice. (Good.)

"Llama a mi bebé." I sighs and run a hand down my face.

"Hi Daddy."

A stupid smile makes it's way to my face.


"Hi baby."

"Where are you?"

"Just getting home from work hm? How bout you?"

"I am going swimming in your penthouse pool. I-I didn't know you had one."

"Hmm, I do. Will you be in there when I get home? Maybe I'll join you." I smirk through the phone.

The thought of her tiny body in a tiny bathing suit swimming around makes me hard through my boxers.

"W-Well what time- What time will you be home?"


Fucking pussy.

"Ten minutes max." I say as I hit on the gas petal.

"D-Don't! Don't get in a-a-a car accident!" She shouts. I chuckle if only she knew.

"I won't I promise." I chuckle.

"O-Okay! G-Good."

And as I expected I pulled into the parking lot.

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