chapter2 ✔︎

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AN: ivan above^^


I couldn't fall back to sleep. But most nights I can't anyway. I just stare at our apartment ceiling imagining things. Like a piggy. Or a  little dog running around our apartment floors.

A little doggie for our apartment would be nice.

Of course we can't actually get one.

Silly Clove.

We don't even have enough money for Ivan's schooling as it is. Mother wanted a good neighborhood with that though, means no public school. They only have private schools here. No free school. And expensive houses and apartments. We had to sell mamas house to afford this apartment. And even then we didn't have enough to fully move out of this township, to move to something cheaper.

But I will gladly pay for Ivan's education.

He deserves it.

That's why I don't mind. If there is anyone who deserve good schooling, it's Ivan. Not me. Certainly not me. I did not deserve school. Ivan does. Ivan deserves a good life.

Looking at the time I see 5AM. I quietly slip out of bed and put on my bunny socks. Bunnies are my favorite. They are so cute and squishy. The red eye bunnies are not that cute. They scare me sometimes. But it's ok because it doesn't matter what I like as long as those bunnies are happy.

I drag on some jeans and a white long sleeve t-shirt and tuck it in. I put another t-shirt over that, then a sweatshirt. I get cold very often. Too often so I have to wear many layers.

I try to supply many cloths for Ivan because we can only afford to do wash once a month. I try not to make him wear stinky clothes twice a month but in the end he has to. I don't want to embarrass him. He says he doesn't mind. He is such a good boy. He says that he care and that the other students do that too sometimes. I am thankful for such a good brother. I don't know what I'd do without him.

I slide my apron and shoes one. Quickly brushing my hair and leaving it in a pony tail, I put on my coffee cap. Checking the time again it's 6 o'clock. I'll let my little baby sleep for a couple more minutes.


I wonder what it would be like living in a big house. It must be huge. I've read somewhere that with big houses people spend less time together. I don't know if that is true but I would still love a big house.

You could ride down the railings like they do in movies.

That's would be so cool!

I wonder what it's like for Ivan to go to school. It seems like he has so much fun. When I went to school I remember it being so much fun. At lunch time I would have a packed meal and sit with my friends! It was so much fun!Sometimes we would even trade food and share snacks.

I only hope Ivan has that much fun at school.

You should help him get his stuff so he's not late.

Yes! I should!

I quickly grab his back pack then his supplies. Stuffing it in his bag I realized he doesn't have a lunch.

And we don't have any extra food.

I'll give him money for hot lunch.

But you only have 20 dollars left Clove

Yeah, but he needs lunch silly.

I take one last look at Ivan, I lock the door and head down to the lobby ATM machine.

Credit or Debit?


How much money would you like taken out of your account?



Prepare for the loud click Clove. This machine has always been broken and it makes this loud scary noise when depositing. It's just a click. A very loud click. But you always flinch. You got this. You don't have to flinch. You-


My body flinches as a piecing screech leaves my mouth.

"Oh god Clove it's six in the morning don't blind my ears with your high pitch squeak." She smiles at me.

"Oh," I giggle to. "I d-didn't k-know it w-was you Sammie and I d-don't think your ears c-can g-go blind. Don't scare me like that if you don't want me to scream."  I smile up at her.

"Sorry Clove. I already told you Im a ninja, no one will know who it is. There's only a certain point of time where you except that and realize I am the master at scaring people."

I giggle. She's silly.

"Y-you're not a ninja S-Sammie. T-That's silly!"

"No it's not. I thought we established this Clove. I'm a ninja and there is nothing you can do about it"

She's so funny. I always smile when I'm with Sammie. This is why she is my best friend.

"Now hurry up and wake up Ivan. I made breakfast for you guys and you don't want it to be cold! It's Ivan's favorite!" She sings shooing me off.


Yummy in my tummy.

Quickly taking the money, I rush to wake up Ivan. He will be excited for breakfast.

"Baby, Ivan. Time to wake up. I laid out your clothes and school" I whisper. Ivan slowly squirms while I start to pull out his cloths. Shorts and a black long sleeve spider-man t-shirt. Quickly he gets ready and I wait for him on our bed. Are apartment is small. It has one room, me and Ivan share then a bathroom and a little oven/stove. It is small but it works for us.

"Clove where is my lunch?" Ivan looks up at me as I put on his Cat and the Hat back pack on.

"Baby we don't have anymore cheese or bread so your going to have to buy lunch. I put 5 dollars in the small pocket of your bag."  I say to him and he nods rubbing his eyes.

He is such a little baby.

I grab his hand and lead him down the stairs.
"Let's go to Sammies. I heard she made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast."

"Really?!" he says giving a big toothy smile. I nod. Thank the flowers for Samantha. She is my bestfriend and she takes Ivan in the mornings. She also drops him off at school while I'm at work. She also watches him on nights I have to work late.

I don't know how we would survive without Sammie. Dropping him off at Samantha's room with a kiss, after explaining I can't have breakfast or I will miss the bus. And now I have to run to the bus stop.

Let's hope I don't miss the bus, I don't feel like being sad today.

But it's not really up to me is it.


ok so I tried to add more about sammie bc i mention her a lot but i don't think she actually had like a speaking part in this book so here's the re-written. also sammie is basically me and you can't say anything about it


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