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ok yes it's cliche but this is just the START of the plot so don't get your hopes up
don't say i didn't warn you


I saw her walk away and I wanted to pull her right back in my arms, but I knew she wanted her "girl time". I let a chuckle slide past my lips as I remember how bright her face got. She was a lightweight that's for sure—no surprise there, but she quickly sobered up after a couple glasses of water.

She was beautiful as always. In a astonishing dress that fit her perfectly. It showed a little top cleavage for me and only me and the rest just flowed down. She was gorgeous, the prettiest woman I have ever laid eyes on, inside and out. Of course there were also beautiful women but none of them could match up to the perfect expectation of my sheep.

She giggled on the stool with Liam until she saw him turn around. Her body stiffen and I angled myself to the right to see his face.

His face was red and wet from tears.

Poor guy.

"Should've warm him about Nik." I chuckle to myself.

Soon enough they hop of their stools and run away. I was tempted to follow them, to follow her. I hated her not being with me; not being by my side, but I didn't. I will give her her space.

Consuming another drink I slumped back in my seat. Images of Clove laughing and smiling up at me clouded my mind as I take another drink.

God I hate Galas. I usually kill someone then leave. It was always the same routine. Someone thinks they can outsmart me and gets killed. Galas where the perfect places to do it. But now with Clove, I want to stay for her, but I'd rather be at home in bed with her watching some stupid Disney movie than anywhere near the mafia.

Consuming another deep groan shot, Apollo slides on the seat next to me.

"I see who you brought." He smirks and steals one of my shots. He chugs it down quickly and squeezes his eyes shut at the burn.

"Coño." I chuckle.

"Cállate perra." He snarls back.

"Is she the girl you've been obsessed with?" He chuckles. I roll my eyes at his childish behavior.

"So she is, I have to say she is very beautiful, not as beautiful as my Isabella but-"

"But even more-" I interrupt. Isabella was beautiful but no where near the beauty of my Clove.

"I won't argue with you today." He chuckles as we both consume a shot.

"Where's your girl?"

"Where's Isabella?" I smirk.

"Fair point."

"Did you just leave her alone as always?" I smirk.

"As always?" He questions. I scuff.

"Don't you see it? She's sad, you get home late and leave early- every time I'm there she can't stop talking about how you'll get home soon, you'll be there in time for dinner, in time to put the kids to bed, in time to sing her to sleep. And yet by the time you get home I don't even get to talk to you because it's too late— and I only come over once a month to see my niece and nephew. It's sad man."

LITTLE SHEEP|18+Where stories live. Discover now