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what you've all been waiting forrr hehe



I had been going to therapy regularly now, Mrs. Dove was the best and we were really close friends. I'd say it was more of just a patient and therapist relationship but it felt like a friendship. I had finally been able to go to therapy without help from Daddy, although he would wait out in the parking lot the whole entire time just in case anything went wrong.

I slowly regain consciousness as my eyes flutter open from my very enjoyable slumber. I was curled in Daddy's arms as I tried to enjoy the heat.

"Good morning baby." He smiled and leaned down to kiss my lips. My hand instantly blocks him from reaching anywhere near my mouth.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

"Don't you think we are way past morning kisses by now, my love?" He whispers in my ear.

"But you got to brush your teeth!" I argue.

"That's because you like to sleep for ages." He chuckles finally rolling over.

"Go brush your teeth and don't be long. I don't like waiting for what's mine little sheep." He teases, knowing fully well that his words are 100% true.

I quickly scurry to the bathroom and brush my teeth in lightening record but the sudden gut sore makes me clench my stomach spitting out my tooth paste. I quickly go to the bathroom clutching my stomach pains.

Darn it.

I'm on my period.

I don't want to be.

I quickly put on a pad and fumble back to the bed.

"What took you so long?" He chuckles.

"No reason." I smile as he finally gets his kisses in. He turns me on my back and a whine leaves my lips. I close my eyes trying to hide my groans of pain but I unfortunately got super duper bad cramps when I was on my period.

"Tell me what's wrong baby, so I can make it better?" He asks as his lips trail down my neck. I silently nod and clench my thighs together as his kisses trail further down.

"My-My stomach and body, it-it gets really really bad pains around this time." I stutter. His eyes widen and realization as he hums in recognization.

"Let me try something." He says, more of a command then a question. Gently he takes my body as I rest on my back. His large hand widens out on my stomach as he creates gentle massages and tiny circle movements along my body. The gentle circular motion and soothing sensation brings my eyes to a close. A moan leaves my lips as he caressed my stomach and his thumbs gently massage just above my downstairs area.

"You like that?"

"Mhm." I hum closing my eyes at the sensations. He pulls away and lightly caresses my inner thighs as I suck in a breath. He delightedly massages my stomach and lower abdomen. I shakes moan leaves my lips as the pain subsided and my eyes start to close. His hands lightly start to work its way to my thighs as he pulls his shirt up for better access. I can feel all the heat from my body rush to my face and in between my thighs as the pads of his fingers gently massage. A whimper leaves my mouth as he finally lets go trailing his fingers up to my chest.

LITTLE SHEEP|18+Where stories live. Discover now