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My body is still riled up and spent at the activities we had just performed. Never in my whole existence did I never imagine something so good, so happy could ever come out of being with a partner. I was always told that they were bad. Sinful. And that I didn't deserve one. But Daddy doesn't think that and I am glad.

"C'mon little sheep, let's get you cleaned up." He smirks down at me. Seeing him in all his glory was a sight.

He is sooooo handsome.

I smile up at him and he returns it back. Shakily standing up he grabs onto my waist and hugs it close to him. Butterflies fill my stomach and I can't help but smile.

"You're so beautiful." he smiles and kisses my forehead. A red blush fills my cheeks and I burry my head in his chest. He chuckles and carries me into the bathroom.

"D-Did i-it feel g-good?" I whisper.

I wanted to know.

I wanted to make him feel as good as me so bad. It weighs on my chest—that he always makes me feel better and I can't do the same. Just once I wanted to be better and the best for him. He smiles into my hair.

"You were very good baby. Hm? So good." He praises. I find a smile reach my face and my cheeks go pink. He won't know what those words mean to me. Never have I been told that I have done something "so good".

"Thank you." I smile up at him. He kisses my lips and smiles down at me.

So pretty.

Before I know it the bathroom is steamed up and he is leading me into the shower. Jumping in the hot water Daddy follows and he wraps his arms around me, nuzzling his face in my neck. This feeling is something I've never felt before. Never had I been this intimate with another man without bawling my eyes out. I am proud of myself for one, but I know Daddy would never hurt me.

Standing there enjoying the heated shower Daddy pulls me against his chest and dips his head in the crook of my neck.

"I have to leave for a week." He whispers into my skin then lets out a dark sigh.

"W-What?" I ask and just stare at the wall. Don't cry.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

"W-Why do y-you h-have to leave?" I ask. He lets out a big breath and nuzzles his face deeper in my skin, creating more butterflies in my stomach and a heat between my legs.

"I have to leave for work, porque estos estúpidos cabrones no pueden hacer su trabajo. I have to take care of some messes back at the ware houses." he explains. I nod my head.
(Because these stupid fuckers can't do their job.)

"H-How long will you be gone?" I ask. As selfish as it is I don't want him to leave.

"Not long baby. 5 days max."

"O-Ok." I whisper.

"I'll call you ok little sheep?" He says and kisses my forehead.

LITTLE SHEEP|18+Where stories live. Discover now