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i'm so sorry i haven't been updating, i am currently in the hospital and getting out tomorrow☺️ i wasn't allowed a whole lot on my phone so i couldn't write but i hope this wait was worth it!

usually my updating schedule is twice a week or something but i took a quick break like 2 weeks ago and then i'm now in the hospital so i'm so sorry!!!!


"Hello Clove." She smiles.

She was pretty. She was a little older and was tall and skinny. She had pretty and shiny light brown hair and her eyes were very soft.

"H-Hello." I whispered.

"How about we get to know each other first? Are you comfortable with that?" She smiles.

I was sitting on Daddy's lap as I stared at the women who would try and help me. She was nice but I don't see how this could help me.

"Well I am 18 years old and my birthday is April 30th. And- Um I-I don't know." I whisper.

"Mhm? Do you like dogs or cats better?"

This was a very hard question.

"Um- W-Well, dogs s-sometimes s-scare me b-but they are very cute and so are c-cats. I l-like to look at little kittens on t-the internet s sometimes. I-I g-got a p-phone although I-I didn't pay for it! S-So don't think it- it's just my phone because I-It's his too." I say pointing to Daddy above me. I can feel his soft rumble of his chest and the warmth radiating off. I sink deeper into him as he kisses my forehead and I smile.

"But o-on m-my phone I see little tiny weeny kittens," My voice squeaks as I pinch my fingers together, "and they a-are s-so cute and I-I love them."

I look down at my hands quickly stopping my small rambling before it turns into an hour conversation about the internet kittens.

"I really like kittens too, and my name is Dr. Dove Chezna." She smiles.

"That's a pretty name." I smile.

"Thank you, you have a pretty name too. It's good to finally meet you. Me and Mr. Wolf have been chatting the past couple days and I am glad you decided to come to me." She smiles.

"Do you want him to stay or do you want him to leave the room?" She asks.

Daddy's body tenses as his arms tightly wrap around me.

"It's okay, I think it-it w-would be best for him t-to stay."

She smiles lovingly back.

"Just making sure you're comfortable Ms. Clove." She smiles. I nod my head as I subconsciously fiddle with my fingers. I started peeling the skin off around my nails as she started talking about herself.

She has been a therapist for five years and she has a son named Bobby. His real name is Robert though but she says she calls him Bobby. She has a husband named Badr and they recently got back from a vacation and that's why she normally isn't this tan. I said that she was lucky to go to vacation to a tropical Island. She smiled and said it was one of the best moments in her life. I smiled down at my hand as the rim of my nail became bloody from picking too much. My hand was stopped by Daddy's as he brought it up to his lips and gently placed a kiss on my finger as he directed his gaze to Dr. Dove.

LITTLE SHEEP|18+Where stories live. Discover now