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He pulled me in a kiss as grips my head making me slip out a deep throat moan.

I loved this.

I loved him.

He sucked on my lips and pulled away. I think my lips are a little sensitive because they have a heart beat in them.

That or he sucked really hard.

He smiles down at me and my swollen lips.

"I love you." He whispers. Parting my lips I look up at this beautiful man and before I can say any thing else his lips are on mine again, slipping his tongue in mine.

He gently moves his hips forward and I am met the hard solid thingy that makes my mind go badoozle.

I gasp deeply and throw my head back as he quickens his pace.

"Fuck." He whispers as my hips roughly meet his pace and he captures my lips again in a explosion of euphoria. My mind going too fast and too busy to keep up but my hips to their own thing; Moving circles against his manhood.

Leaving back he looks down at my hot and hazy form on the bed. Looking into my eyes he leans down and his hand trails down into my underwear.

I deeply gasp as my mouth forms a 'O' and my hips jolt. I look down and my urge and tingle intensifies.

He firmly grips my neck down onto the sheets and pulls me to meet his eyes.

"Eyes on me baby, don't look away." He husks and his gaze darkens as I moan from his rough fingers grazing my insides. He kisses me tenderly and I have trouble focusing, again everything turning into a haze.

I can't decide if it pulls me in or pulls me out of my haze but he slides his forbidden large finger into me and I feel light headed and sweaty with pleasure.


I always get like this with him.

My breath leaves my lungs and I pant feverishly when he slides in and out. Tears fill my eyes.

"D-Daddy- I-" I moan as he slowly pushes in and out of my sickly wet hole. I whimper feeling the knot build up in my lower stomach and I feel the little tears move down my face.

"That's it baby, let it just come over you." He whispers. His thumb plays with my clit and it drives me over the edge, cumming all over his fingers.

"Hmm, good girl." He hums as he brings his fingers down to my waist band and pulls them down. I gasp as I feel his finger tips graze right above my mound— teasing me.

I feel the inside of my thighs wet and sticky as he makes his way down. All thoughts vanish from me as he lowers his mouth down onto me.

"GnnthhhAhhhhh." I moan as he slides his tongue up and down, biting every once in a while making me jolt up. And again I release over his mouth and chin.

"I'm sorry." I whisper as I look at the mess I made.

"What did I say about apologizing baby? And you were doing so good." He hums.

LITTLE SHEEP|18+Where stories live. Discover now