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uh i was not expecting the last chapter to get 400 so quickly i thought i would have more time- but i promised u an update so hehe


You know the moments where you know things are too good to be true. Like when you ace a test, get ice cream everyday without getting a tummy ache, AND you get to go to the movies?

I don't know what it feels like but I can only imagine the feeling is just like the feeling I had gotten whenever I was with Daddy.  It had been the happiest I had been in life I think. I didn't have to worry constantly about what might go wrong, if Ivan was being well-fed, if the water was too cold for Ivan. Although it wasn't always perfect, I admit it was better then what we had before.

I didn't like letting things go.

I hated when someone left, because they always did.

But what I hated more was when they came back.

The awkward tension that always filled the room. The constant wonder why they left, why they even came back? It was better when they just left. Then I wouldn't have to get used to it again.

After years and years of sheltering and saving Ivan, I grew used to it. I grew used to sleeping on the benches and counting the grasses in my pile I'd rip up. I grew used to never eating a full meal for diner. I grew used to the constant disappointment everyone made me feel, how I had made myself feel.

And once I got used to it, it was nice.

Nicer than before.

No more worrying, because I knew what would come next. No more pressure because I knew whatever I did would never be enough.

The thought makes me want to throw up all my life and faint on the floor. But with Daddy, it wasn't like that.

And I liked that.

And I wanted him forever.

But once again, it was my fault.

I had told him, no. stay. I'll go up just me. Just me and Ivan will spend sometime.

I should've known it was all too good to be true.

Staring into the devils eyes a smirk plays on his lips.

"Hello little girl."

As if just those words brought back all the memories. Brought back all the list of rules.

Address him by Sir.

"Hello Sir." I whispered. The tears filled my eyes as they slowly spilled out. I closed my mouth fighting back a sob.

"Look Clove! Look who's back! Its Papa!" Ivan smiled. He runs out of his hold and runs to me.

"Don't cry Clove! I already talked to him when he picked me up from school! He said he wouldn't hurt you! He promised! And he said he never breaks promises." Ivan smiled. He tugged on my leg and I picked him up. The man was sitting on our couch. I wouldn't even look at him. I would keep my eyes on little baby.

Ivan wipes my tears.

"Oh no don't cry. Please Clovey don't cry. See, it will be okay. He promised! I swear he did. He even said he bought a house for us. Don't cry." He said wiping my tears with his tiny thumbs.

Oh Ivan, if only you weren't so young. I could tell you the truth. You would understand wouldn't you? You would believe me wouldn't you?

"See, look at this silly face I can make! Look!" He giggles and contracts his face, pulling his eyes like a monkey and scrunching up his nose, then rolling his tongue.

Oh silly baby. How much I love you.

"Y-Your n-not laughing." He frowns.

I take in a big breath of air and smile but that was no use because the sob echos through the apartment as I lean my head against his.

"He wont hurt you Clovey. He promised." Ivan slides down and runs over to him.

"See?" He says taking his hand and holding it. My breath hitches and I fight the urge to go and grab Ivan.

"Yes, see I wont hurt Ivan." He smirks, taunting me. Tears leak down my chin. He walks over to me and pulls me into a hug.

"S-Stop p-please." I whisper as he pulls me tighter and his fingers rest on my bum.

"You fucking listen." He whispers.

"I have a gun in my pocket. You so much as think about escaping Ivan is done for. You know I will do it, you remember how Ivan got the scar on his chest don't you? Make sure you save him this time, we don't want him to have another scar due to your bad behavior. Do we?" He whispers.


He sighs and backs away smiling.

"You are just as beautiful as I remember little girl." He smirks. I whimper as I feel his eyes trail down to my chest and he licks his lips. My legs move faster then my brain and before I know it I am spewing out my stomach into the toilet of our bathroom.

Hearing the tiny footsteps of Ivan run after me, he holds my hair back.

I should've done more. Ivan deserves more.

Ivan deserves to not see me throw up my lunch when I eat too much.

Ivan should not know to hold my hair back when I throw up.

He was six and he knew that some days he wouldn't have money for lunch. He knew he would have to wear the same outfit to school, the same week. It was all my fault. It was and I hated it.

I wish we could go back.

To when Daddy would stay home and cook us diner, then us three would eat at the table and he would take us out for ice cream after. One time he even took us to a bakery and after multiple whines he finally let me pay for myself; although he insisted in buying Ivans.

"We will be going back to my house? Wont we Clove?" Father husks.

I hate this.

Tears consume and blur my vison.


"Good." He smiles darkly, handing us two pieces of cloth.

"What is this Papa?"

"Tie it around your eyes. Where we are going its a surprise."

Do it.

I look down at the black piece of cloth.

I don't want to.

Do it.

"You need help little girl?" He angrily snarls.

"N-No Sir." I stutter and quickly tie it around my eyes.

If only fate wasn't so cruel.


I am so sorry this took so long:(((

but i most likely update again tonight. like a 85% chance hehe.

please vote and comment! i love youuu

(unedited as always)


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