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isn't that such a cute pic. idk who drew it but whoever did is amazing. also does anyone know how to flipping import a gif bc i found a cute one and uh i cant import it lol
edit: loputyn on instagram drew that^


Waking up to the small little girl next to me was a breath of fresh air. Although it left the dominantly desire to kiss her and take her body again. To watch her squirm and beg for what she wants with tears in her eyes. I had to refrain myself the whole fucking night from taking her delicate body.

But what a sight to see her squirm—not that I hadn't imagined it before but opening the door and seeing it for my own eyes set up a new disirable fire in my eyes and mind. Never had my imagination been that overwhelming tempting watching her please herself like that. My hand travels down my face in realization of what I did to her. I don't want it to be too fast or too rough.

But I want to be rough. I want to break her. But she's too fragile for that.

Seeing Clove next to me in my sweatshirt made a weird unfamiliar warmth fill my stomach. But a stirring awake, whimpering Clove made my mind flood with worry.

"Baby- Clove?"

More whimper follows and her body shakes.


Fucking do something don't just lay there!

Pulling Clove closer to me the whimper stop but her body is still shaking. Her eyes suddenly flash open and meet mine before she runs to the bathroom.


Walking quickly over to the door I knock.

"Little sheep are you ok?"

But the only thing that follows is a puking sound.

"I'm coming in Clove!"

I rip the door open and rush towards her helpless state. I pull her hair back quickly as again, she spills contents out of her mouth.


She coughs again.

"Hey, hey let it out, I got you" I whisper in her ear and rub her back. She lets out another gag and tears are flowing out her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry" she cries.

"No little sheep don't apologize. You're fine. You'll be ok. Hmm? Right baby? It'll get better." I smile down at her.

"O-Ok" she stutter then again releases her contents. Sobs echo through the room.

"Hey, it's ok little sheep, Daddy's got you." I whisper as she cry's into my shirt.

"I-I'm sorry- I'm so sorry" she cries.

"No, Clove you did nothing wrong. Don't cry- Don't cry I hate seeing you cry baby." I say gently whipping her tears.

Her breathing calms down and she rests her head on my chest as I cradle her in my arms.

"How about you come lay back down with me hm?"

"A-are y-you sure?"

"One hundred percent" I smirk down at her as she gives me a small smile.

"Such a pretty baby" I tease. The red blush coming to her face makes me smile.

"I-I-I- y-you're prettier Daddy" she smiles up at me.


Jesus christ she will be the death of me.

Smirking down at her I wink.

"Trust me baby- you are way prettier than me." I tease. She gets flustered so easily. Again her beautiful face turns a bright red and I can't help but smile. So fucking cute.

I leave a kiss on her lips and she scrunches her nose.

"What?" I smirk.

"You just k-kissed me"


"I have puke breath- a-and pirates also h-have puke breath!"


"Ok baby." I smirk at her cuteness and kiss her again.

"You're yucky Daddy"


"I am not yucky little girl." I growl and again kiss her perfect lips. The littlest of touches but I could do it all fucking day.

All day.

She buries her head in my chest as I lay her down on the bed.

"Stop kissing me Daddy!" she says burying her head in the sheets. I turn her body back over facing mine.

"And why's that? Why can't I kiss whats mine?" I smirk down at her beautiful pouting face. Such a baby.

"Because i-it's- its- it's-"

"It's?" I smirk.

"It's yucky!" she shouts.

"I don't care" I growl as I again kiss her soft candy lips. Fucking best kisses I've ever had.

I suck on her soft and big lips entering my tongue.

I travel my lips down her smooth, pale, untouched neck and nibble leaving tiny brown dots left over. Mine.


I slip my tongue and suck on her neck again. Whimpers leave her beautiful big lips as my dick automatically rubs against my pants.


I move my mouth down to her delicious chest licking and biting.


Her breathes become ridged and she starts panting for air. Whimper and moans fills the room.


"Daddy-" she moans.

Fucking God.

She digs her delicious pussy against my sweatpants against my hard on.

Fuck control.


edit: i got too caught up and i made oliver too flipping nice. darn ittttt
this is so short and for what👄

uhhhh i wanted to update but idk i kinda almost fell asleep twice im so tired today for no reason.

hope u liked it i kinda though this was a cute little chapter so yeaaaa. also why is clove so horny all the time- I wonder why😏

I honestly don't know why ppl read this book lol it's so cringy sometimes like ewwww but thank u sm for ready I LOBE U SO MUCH BAE PEACE OUT😻✌️


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