chapter6 ✔︎

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Coming home I couldn't stop smiling. Today had been one of THE best days in the whole entire world.

I cant stop thinking about Oli.

Large hands.

Thick fingers.

Big arms.

Sharp jaw

He is so handsome.

He makes me feel so so so odd. I want him to touch me. That's what it feels like. He makes me feel like I'm going to pee but I don't. He makes me tingle in my stomach and princess part. It feels so odd and yet so good. It makes me push my legs together and feel the pressure of my fingers. Everything in my body is telling me to reaches down and cure that ache between my legs. I know it's wrong. I know it's wrong to want him to cure that ache.
I slide my fingers into my pants and past my silk that covers my parts. I feel so good. I open my naughty bits. I-I cannot describe what I am feeling. I press my finger on the bump and that jolts me with enormous pleasure.

Oh god.

Oli's fingers.

I remember.

So big and rough.

I press harder. Images of Oliver touching me. In the bathroom. When he looked at me in the car.

I press harder and circle harder. The pleasure rushing though feels like now other.

Breathe Clove

It felt so good but I wanted more.

I wanted him to get in that bath with me.

I wanted him to touch me.

Right where I feel this great overwhelming pleasure.

"Such a good girl, Hm?"

Needy whimpers leave my lips and I can't help but throw my head back. It's too much but it feels so good.

I am panting so hard as I feel my fingers getting wetter and wetter.

I wanted more.

So I did more. Slipping my fingers into my hole I can't help but moan. I can only imagine how much of a mess I look. But I wanted to be a mess for Oliver. I wanted him to come to me. And help me with my mess.

I want him to tell me I've been good.

That he will help me with my mess and he will make me feel even better.

I would beg for him if I needed too.

My chest falling up and down and I'm out of breath. I want to release whatever this pleasure is inside me but I don't know how.

I made such a mess. Looking down at my fingers covered in some wet substance. My eyes full with tears. He would hate you if he found out you were thinking about him like this.

If he found out you touched yourself just thinking of his voice. Of his tattooed fingers and large body.

I-i just touched myself thinking about him. With Ivan in the other room taking a shower.

I-i can't help it. He makes me feel so good. He makes me feel proud. Like he is proud of me. Like I am a good girl. I want to please him and be good for him.

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