deleted chapter- princess and pirates

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here under is the ORIGINAL CHAPTER of chapter 26 enjoy
personally i think its stupid and cringey but a lot of you wanted me to post it so here ya go

i put stars on the chapters with sexual content because sometimes i see a book but i just wanna read the sexy parts but i don't know what chapters it is

i really need to make a one shot book instead of just stuff like this that is here for absolutely nothing.


Waking up with a smile I find Daddy's head nestled in my upper chest. I giggle at how silly he looks. His hair is everywhere and his big body cover mine completely. He is so handsome.

Smiling down at him I play with his hair as he hugs me closer. My body tingles.

Not agin Clove.

I cant help it Daddy brings out a different side of me.

He looks like a pirate. I can imagine him as a pirate. He would be so handsome and I'd be his princess. He's steal me away from a big castle and I'd beg to go home but then we'd fall in love and live happily ever after.

Checking the clock next to me I see it reads 4:45. No wonder he's not up yet.

I should fall back asleep.

I don't want to be sleepy for my day with him before he leaves.

Maybe I can just imagine us as pirates and princesses. That would be a amazing dream. I haven't had fun dreams like that in so long. I normally have bad guy dream or I don't remember my dreams—but sometimes I do have fun dreams and I wake up and usually have a good day.

Maybe if I think hard enough I will fall asleep to pirates and princesses.

Pirates and princesses.


"N-No, no please! Don't leave me here! Don't leave me by myself! I beg you!" She screams.

The guard smirks at her.

"." he says and quickly turning around locking the door.

"No, no, no, no. Please." she cries. The tears spill out of her face as she lays on the bed and cry's. She was supposed to meet her pirate. At the tree they always meet at. But not even making to the tree, she was taken and all she remembers is dark. Minutes pass as she calms down and eventually stops crying.

The door knob twisting open, creaking and letting the light in she quickly stands up. Meeting the silhouette he stands tall and dark as he strides over to her.

"Please! Please help me! I'm trapped and I was left alone! Please! I need to get back to my pirate! Please he's waiting for me!" She begs. But as the man comes closer, she can't help but feel frightened. Tears start to fill her eyes as she meets the man and he takes her body in his hugging it closer as she cry's into his chest.

She recognizes this mans body. It's her pirate.

"I got you princess." he says into her hair as she cry's.

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