chapter5 ✔︎

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i'm trying to edit one chapter everyday but with school it's kind of hard sorry! omg guys i feel so bad for taking it down but this needed some serious editing


"Hi little sheep." I hear him say.

He voice is so deep. Like a cave. I've never heard someone this deep before. and he is so big. His arms are the size of my hands, but I do have tiny hands. His arms are covered with tattoos. I open my eyes too see his beautiful arms. But I see his face, all the way up there. His pretty face. His jaw is very sharp and his eyes are pretty. His black hair is still a little messy. I am laying down on his lap with the biggest grin on my face. We sit in a big car that could be bigger than the size of my bathroom.

"You feel asleep, little one. I had my driver drive us to my house for now is that okay baby?"

Husky. Deep. Tingles. I want him to touch me.

God shut up Clove.

"Yes, thank you." I say. He scares me but is very gentle. He makes me feel like I've known him forever. And I haven't. I feel so silly. What am I even thinking. I cant focus. Focus Clove. Focus. Do what Ivan told you to do. Count to 100. Then backwards


Ivan has school.

Oh no.

"S-stop the car! P-please stop the car! STOP! Please! P-please!" I shout.
My nose grizzled and the water comes rising to my eyes. I forgot Ivan.


You're just like him.

You forgot him.

My eyes don't stop leaking. I left Ivan. No I-i wouldn't leave him. We- we can still get him. He will forgive you. He-he will f-forgive y-you.

"P-please. C-can y-you please t-take m-me to Jefferson Elementary? Please."

Warm. Warm. Warm hands touch my face and my heart feels a little bit lighter. A little baby size weight is taken off my chest.

"Hey, it's okay little sheep. We will go there. It's okay. It's okay. Breathe baby. You can do that for me can't you?"

Yes. I can make him happy. I quickly nod. Too quickly and my head hurts. I whimper. It hurts. My head. My chest.

"Hm, Good girl."  he praises. Yes a good girl.

I wonder if he is ok. He has to be. He has to be. Ivan will be ok. If he's not it's all your fault. You're no better than him.

I'll get him, I promised

"Vamos. Si no llegas a la escuela primaria en diez minutos como máximo, serás hombre muerto."

[Go. If you don't reach that elementary school in ten minutes max, you will be a dead man]

The car speeds up and I whimper as my head hits the back seat. He gently grabs my head and pulls it into his chest. I softly cry in his chest and try to calm down. The tears won't stop. God why am I emotional. He probably thinks I'm a baby. I already have cried twice around him. But I can't get rid of this emptiness in my chest. It hurts. I let him down. What if he hates me. What if Ivan is mad. I forgot. I shouldn't have forgot.




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