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Ryuku told Nezu everything. The phone call ended as Nezu smiled at the others pros infront of him.

"He's innocent, i knew it... Ryuku-chan and the others saw ALL the missing people in the mansion, their quite healthy and carefree despite being stuck there for months." Nezu said making the others sigh and look at the sleeping boy from the other side of the glassed wall.

"Since he's not guilty, i don't see any point of keeping him all jailed up." Midnight said fddling with her sign pen.

"Actually there is. Apperantly... These are just rational ones, he used his quirk without any legal consent, robery, weaponry, person trafficking and rape." Aizawa said sighing as he also stared at the sleeping boy.

"I csn possibly remove his charges but... Did he really raped someone? In my opinion he doesn't look like a person to be... Sexually attracted to someone with his situation." Nezu said making the other pros nod.

"That's 'cuz he doesn't... Girls has been visiting the station for the past months and they kept on pretending to be afraid... Most of them lied of accusing Deku that they were raped by him." The detective said remembering the girls who accused the poor boy with something he didn't do.

"What the heck?! How could someone go that far?! Accusing someone is beyond the line!" Snipe joined as he glared at the ceiling almost feeling pity for the boy.

The kid worked too hard on his plan as he succeeded for the past months not caring if he gets criticized or even give a bad impression from the netizens. He planned everything even if it means it'll make him the bad guy and provoked the whole capital to hate him.

Snipe acknowledged the kid as he made something very heroic despite being a villain in the public's eye. He acknowledged how far the kid went through even though no one was there to lend a helping hand and just did what his original plan alone.

"It's kind of amusing right? A kid... A kid saving 3% of our population is something a pro can barely do. Add the fact that he did everything on his own. Without anyone on his side." Present mic praised as he clasped his hands together smiling to himself.

'I definately want to keep him.'

"I guess you're right." All might said sighing, still feeling guilty. He made the boy feel as if the whole world was being lifted on his shoulders. He pressured the boy without thinking how much stress it would cost him.

He felt responsible for everything the boy had gotten through.

"Didn't he said he would do something regarding his quirk?" Midnight asked as Nezu nodded.

"I already told Ryuku that they'll let the people go out after we settled this... I also called Recovery girl to come here and heal Midoriya-kun."

Aizawa looked at the sleeping kid, the kid looked like an angel with bruises. He looks peaceful when he's sleeping. Aizawa was worried of what the boy could've gone through, those bruises doesn't seem like a regular bruise. It was a lot darker, his bruises were almost black, he also noticed that the kid would sometimes nudge his jaw and would wince after.

"What happened to those girls who lied?" Midnight asked detective tsukauchi who sighed.

"Well... They told us the truth, that their parents told them to lie to us about that. I don't know the reason why, but i'm guessing it's because they hate Deku and would want him to spend his life in jail." The pros let out a small gasp with wide eyes.

"They are going too far! What the actual fuck?!" Present mic cussed as he glared at the table with his fist closed tightly.

"It'll be over soon. Let's wake him up after a few minutes and we'll proceed to his plan."


"What happened to you guys?! You three just barged out of the dorm." Mina shouted as she went towards the three with the whole class on her back.

"NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS YOU GODDAMN PINK CLAY!" Bakugou screamed at the girl while blasting small explosions on his hands.

"Chill bakugou, no need to scream at mina. But anyways we're fine." Sero smiled awkwardly at the class.

"Yeah! We uhh... Need to rest. We have a class tomorrow." Kaminari said as he dragged Sero with Bakugou walking away from his classmates as he walked towards his room.

"When did kaminari care about classes?" Jirou asked, she knew that the three of them were lying. I mean... Who wouldn't? Those two idiots doesn't know the word 'secrecy'

"They're definately sus." Aoyama said with the sparkles all over him.

"Hey! Let's play among us!" Uraraka said giggling but frowned after realizing that she doesn't have a touch screen phone.

"Broke. Ribbit." Tsuyu smiled teasingly as Uraraka glared at the frog.

Kirishima and Mina looked at each other beafore following the other three.

They both entered Bakugou's room, they already expected Sero and Kaminari to be there so they weren't that surprised.

"So mind telling me why the fuck did you three ran out? I'm guessing this is about deku." Kirishima said as he gave off a confused look on his face.

Bakugou didn't talked and made a 'tsk' sound as he turned around his bed facing the wall. He didn't want to explain that's why he just slept.

Mina was just staring at a photo frame on Bakugou's desk. She stared at the greenhead kid intently as if she was squeezing her brain since the kid looked so familiar.

"Why do i feel like i've seen him before?"
Mina said didn't expecting to say it out loud.

Kaminari looked at Mina and raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

Mina pointed at the green kid on the picture frame. "Him." She simply said.
The electric blonde and black hair had their eyes widen in shock.

"Now that you said it... He does look familiar." Kaminari and Sero's had their jaws hanging with their eyes wide af.

The three (kami, kiri, sero) looked at Mina when they heard her fingers snap and had a wide smile on her face.

"AHA! I met him! He helped me that time when my bag got snatched in middle school. And we kinda hanged out after that and... All of a sudden he disappeared. I couldn't remember his name, was it... Zuko? Ikuzo? Iziku? Izu... Izu... AH! Izuku! Ahhh, i still remember his cute face. Sweet little broccoli." Kaminari and Sero's jaws dropped on the floor (metaphor) while looking at Mina.

"Wait... I kinda remember now! That time when i got bullied in the train... I remember my old classmates saying that my quirk was boring... I didn't know that he was listening not until he punched my bullies straight up to their nose and said " his quirk isn't boring, it's UNIQUE, and if something is boring here, that's your existance." That was so manly dude." Kirishima made a thumbs up with sparkles almost coming from his sides.

He remembered how the greenette comforted him warmly even if their total strangers.

The duo's (kami&sero) jaw dropping intesifies as the both of them stared at the other two back and forth with their fingers pointing at them.

"Shit... I'm really a fan of him... Bro... I stanned the right hero." Kaminari said as he made a dreamy expression with his hands clasped together.

Sero tapped the electric boy's shoukder and made a thumbs up while nodding his head proudly. Mina and Kirishima looked at the two completely confused.

"He's a hero? How come i've never seen nor heard of him before?" Kirishima asked.

"That's because he wasn't... Well, not in the public's eye, but he is a hero. He just made himself as a villain to save others." Kaminari explained as Mina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Wait... What do you mean?" She asked with her head slightly tilted.

"You guys met and talked to him, so i don't see any point of hiding it from you guys. Hmmm let's just say... He's a hero who pretends to be a villain."

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