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Katsuki was dead silent as he stared at Izuku's forest green eyes. He was so mesmerized to the point he even forgot to respond.

Izuku chuckled cutely and laid back on the bed again.
"It only worns out itself after quite a few years. After knowing about that, flashabcks of those bullying days made me feel... Light. I was so filled with joy. Even though you hated me just by seeing me, you couldn't deny that the poison took over you. And seeing that you're gentle like those times when were kids-- i think the poison worned out itself."

Katsuki didn't know what to respond, seeing the greenette happy and smiling just vanishes his problems away.

"Does that mean you forgive me?"

"What does it look like, dumbass?" Katsuki chuckled and ruffled Izuku's hair a little and smiled.

"I think you do."


Morning came, Izuku is perfectly hugging Katsuki's hotdog pillow, sleeping peacefully. Well not until he heard Katsuki screaming.



'Are they always like this?' Izuku thought to himself before rubbing his eyes and slid his hair in between his fingers and wiggled it before slicking it back.

Izuku stood up from the bed and yawned as he made his way downstairs.
"Good morning." Izuku greeted seeing the Bakugou family eating their breakfast.

"Good morning." They greeted back, Katsuki was just done brushing his teeth and he's already on his uniform.

"Eat up honey, you need to go to school. I also bet that you and katsuki will be staying at the dorms." Mitsuki started as she placed a plate on the table and smiled at Izuku who only smiled back.

"OI! your uniform is in my closet!!! Hurry up! I don't want to be late!!" Katsuki glared at Izuku.



Masaru drove the two infront of yuuei's gate. The moment Izuku stood a foot on the yuuei grounds, the news spread out quickly like wild fire.

Once the news reached Hagakure's ears she immidietly told her class and the whole 1A ran towards the hallway and saw a certain greenette and blonde walking together while the other students made way for them.

"MIDOBROOO!!!" Kirishima yelled making Izuku face him. The 18 students ran towards the 2.

Iida and momo tried to calm their classmates down and kept them in line. Which is... Not a very much an easy task.

Iida sighed and heaved a deep breath. "ALL OF YOU STAY IN THE FUCKING LINE!!!!!!"
The hallways shushed as silence took over.

Never once has Iida screamed completely angry and more importantly C U S S E D.
Kaminari and mineta gulped as they saw Iida trying to compose himself even though the dark blue haired man is still breathing slowly yet dangerously.

"I think he's as scary as Aizawa-sensei.."
Kaminari whispered making the others agree mentally.

Izuku smiled at the blue haired. "How's it going Mr. President?" Iida raised his head and saw the greenette wearing a soft smile. He felt himself calm down as he smiled also.

"President is a bit of an overreacting term, i'm just a class representative." Izuku chuckled at the response.

And that made the people in the hallways think that 'is that really the DEKU?'  He seems like a soft type of person, and you wouldn't really suspect him being a villain with that soft voice and features.

Trust Me (Bkdk) (Villain Deku Au) Where stories live. Discover now