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Another hour has passed and the surgeons and nurses went outside the operating's room. Katsuki was the first one to notice that's why he immidietly stood up with Aizawa and All might following behind.

"What happened? Is he okay??" All might asked the 3 surgeons who only looked hopeless.

"WHAT'S THAT LOOK SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Katsuki's voice knocked the other open and shot up. As soon as they saw that the surgeons and nurses are out of the room they quickly made their way towards them.

"Calm down sir... Well... All i can say is... He's still not stable, we managed to retrieve his flatline 3 times and... He's still in a very critical situation. For example, him beimg inside a room and even two-- no even one person that will go inside is enough to suffocate his lungs. The damage was too severe... And, i think the only thing that keeps him alive is electornics. Let's just wait for a miracle.. Excuse us, have a good night." The surgeons and nurses left leaving the pros students, detective and nezu dumbfounded.

Katsuki slowly let himself squat down and covered his face with his palms.
3 minutes later nurses with a stretcher came rushing towards the operating room.

Izuku was transfered in a private room where no one, except the doctors are allowed. Although they could see the greenette through the glassed wall that was dividing both sides.

More tubes was connected on the greenette's body, his bruises were almost black and an inhaler with the oxygen's tube covering his mouth and nose.

The machine that was monitoring Izuku is rather--- slow and it was almost close to being a flatline-- it seemed like it would flatten any seconds now.

"May i please call on Izuku Midoriya's relatives?" All might and Katsuki immidietly ran towards the doctor.

"I'm not really his legal guardian but i was most likely his father figure." All might said to the doctor.

"How about his family?"

"We actually don't know where they are."

"Okay... So-- De--Izuku has a severe tramatic brain injury, broken bones, his body was almost turned into a crisp, since he was electricuted pretty badly, i figured that he had a seizure throught these past few weeks, his throat was ruined and his airway passages was damaged making it harder for him to breathe... And... His heart is extremely damaged since his broken lungs was almost strangling it." The others was so shocked that they couldn't even talk. Heck they don't even know what to say.

"If i would have something to say, there is NO exact way that he could recover. But if a miracle has appeared by chance then okay.
If no, then i guess he'll be laying in that bed until the machine worns out itself." The doctor continued. After hearing and witnessing the villain's confession, his heart stirred at the sight.

One of his dad was a victim of deku that he thought was now dead. Well not until his mother called saying that his father is back in their house and couldn't stop ranting at how amazing and kind this so called villain is.

The doctor doesn't know what to feel anymore, but he knew he had to keep his standards as a doctor. No matter who or what it is, he's a doctor-- not a judge.

"I need you to sign this, and... Don't worry about the hospital bills--- the hospital itself will be paying it as a symbol of gratittude towards him." The doctor said making the others speechless.

'So most of the doctors or employees that worked here had their family saved by Deku huh?' Aizawa thought to himself as he stared back at the glassed wall.

"Please follow me, sir." The doctor told All might as they both walked away from the others.

Minutes later the Katsuki's parents arrived with containers filled with foods. "We figured out that you're all hungry comsidering that it's already past midnight." Masaru calmly said before fixing his eyeglass.

All of them sat on the metallic chair that was sticked on the wall. "Please tell me what happened to Izuku..." Mitsuki's vouce was laced with worry and sadness.

After handing out the containers to them, Nezu and the detective told her everything the doctor has said to them. Mistuki broke into her husband's chest feeling hurt and pity for the greenette.

Katsuki wasn't in the mood to eat once again. After hearing the worst things from the doctor himself, he had no choice but to cry mentally and stay quiet. It hurts him that he couldn't do anything to Izuku or his mother. He felt hopeless and just wanted kill the league and AFO.

"Katsuki... Eat up, son." Masaru said to the blonde who shooked his head as a sign that he refused. Katsuki stood up with his arms crossed over to his chest and went a little closer to the glassed wall and took a look at the greenette.

He sighed feeling distressed at the sight. It was too painful indeed.

Earlier 1 in the morning the pros and students left leaving the BakuFamily behind. They were worried about Katsuki who didn't moved an inch after standing infront of the glassed wall.

It's currently 2 in the morning, and Katsuki still didn't moved. Both of his parents stared at each other before sighing.

"Katsuki... Let's go home." Mistuki told her child as she stood beside him as well as ger husband.

"No, what if something bad happens to him?! And he'll leave me again, and he'll hate me again, and he'l--" Katsuki didn't finished her words when Mistuki hugged him on his arm. Katsuki started tearing up as he sobbed quietly on her mom's neck.

"It'll be okay... If you're worried about the league taking him again, the pros applied quirk retainers on the wall so that he'll be out of danger."

"It's not that, old hag... I'm scared that one day, he'll leave without a trace... I promised him that i'll be his hero but ended up being his villain... I shouldn't have caused him that... It's all my fault. I was supposed to protect him--" Katsuki finished his sentence with a choked sob. Mitsuki doesn't know what to say, she made an eye contact with her husband who seemed gravely worried as well.

"He'll be fine... I know Izuku doesn't want to see you like this, just-- apologize to him when he wakes up. Okay?" Masaru said as he tapped Kastuki's shoulder lightly.

"For now. Let's go home. You haven't even took a nap from the moment me and your mom got here. Son, you also need sleep." Masaru continued his words and and sighed seeing how katsuki's shoulder relax a little.

"Okay..." Katsuki's voice was rather weak. Seeing how vulnerable their son was, worried them even more. Katsuki was never the emotion-spilling-type but it stings their heart seeing how the younger one's wall crumble in front of their faces. His ego and pride went downhill.

At times like this, the only person who could calm him down was-- no... Is the greenette. It is a little relieving that the parents managed to calm the younger blonde down despite having an almost silent panic attack.

Katsuki kept his head low as the three of them walked away and went outside the hospital.

Masaru scooped his keys out of his pockets as he ran towards the parking lot while the two blondes wait at the hospital's entrance.

After quite a few minutes a red car pulled in fromt of them as the two other Bakugous went inside.

The whole ride was silent as Katsuki rested his head on the window and closed his eyes. He couldn't stop remembering Izuku's current situation. He felt his heartsting at the scene and he gripped his fist thightly not realizing that he fell asleep on the spot.

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