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"I wonder how~ i wonder why~ yesterday you told me about the blueblue sky~" Izuku sang as their first ever nomu started beating him into a pulp.

He was tied, both of his hands and feet. He can't fight back, their first ever nomu was being functioned by a human brain. Well... Maybe still a human body. It's just that the 'human' turned into a monster after 20 minutes of being injected by a serum.

You can't say that it's completely mindless, it's still the same person, but he was just being controlled.

The reason why it let's itself get controlled is because it doesn't want to die. Izuku secretly created an antidote for them. When ever the LOV and All for one did something that has to do with people getting hurt, killed or experimented, Izuku was there to save them.

You can say that he's a correction tape. It doesn't completely remove the bad things but atleast he covers them up, and give them the chance to correct their mistakes.

Currently, Izuku has 3 broken ribs. Broken ankle, swallowen cheeks, busted lip, black eyes, broken jaw, and bloody wrists.

Izuku likes to sing all his pain away. He remembers how he and his mother used sing together at some karaoke stalls. He sure missed those old times.

"Stop." He heard shigaraki said as the nomu who was about to twist his knee stopped.

"It's kinda useless to test our nomu if he's not fighting right?" Dabi told the League who only nodded, while All for one was just watching the whole time.

"You're right, Izuku stand up. And fight the nomu." Shigaraki spoke as some of their henchmen released his wrist that was hovered over his head as if he was a meat in a fridge room.

Izuku fell on his knees gasping softly. "You guys are really messy, you want me to fight the nomu with this weak state of mine?" Izuku laughed before smiling darkly. "Okay~"

"You're crazy." Dabi shooked his head while staring at the greenette with wide eyes.

Izuku laughed before standing up as if he wasn't beaten up like a puppy. "You guys made me like this, aren't you proud of your creation?" Izuku laughed before charging towards the nomu.

"You didn't even count!" Twice yelled at the greenette. Izuku chuckled and looked at twice smugly.

"Villains don't do that." Izuku winked at twice who only glared at him.

Izuku threw punches at the nomu. But it doesn't work. He looked at the nomu's beak. There's two small holes in the middle part indicating that it's, it's nose. Izuku took his long sleeved polo and wrapped it on the nomu's beak.

The nomu was unable to open it's mouth or even breathe. Izuku went to it's back wrapping his body around it like a snake.
He strangled the nomu's neck choking it.

Toga was fangirling at her 'boyfriends' body as she fainted with twice holding her back, preventing her from falling on the floor.

"Okay enough, we don't want our first nomu to die so early." Izuku looked at shigaraki before giving him one of his crazy smiles and nodding.

He took his polo off from the nomu's beak and jumped away. He threw his polo over his shoulder holding the hem of it.
He looked at the group and All for one with a huge smile.

"Isn't anyone going to congratulate me?"


All might was staring at a villains image 'deku'. He crumpled the piece of paper as Izuku came to his mind.

He sighed remembering the young one's green hair, eyes and soft smile. He grew fond of the boy to the point that he wanted to adopt him.

All might's smile disappeared when his eyes looked at the crumpled polaroid once again. He re-opened the paper and looked at it closely. Green, green, green.

'My childhood friend used to call me deku.'

"Deku." All might almost snapped his head looking at the paper.

"Shit no no no." He cussed under his breath.

'Did i made the right decision? Damn it.' He thought he started feeling regret but when he remembered how pure and genuine the boy's heart, his emotions were creating a ruckus

One for all would've rejected the boy if he's just pretending, but no, it didn't. And then he suddenly remembered the letter he was left with.
'Trust me.' Trust... That's what the boy was only asking. He doesn't know what the boy had in mind, but he needed to.

He heard from nezu that the villain met with two of Aizawa's student, and from the point of it the villain saved the two.
"We couldn't really think of anything as to why Deku saved the two, but the two students could only remember the words 'help you' and 'trust me' " he replayed what Nezu told him. All might sighed, he might not know what the boy's plan was but what ever it is... It's too dangerous.


"Hi bakubro, whatcha got there?" Kirishima along with mina, sero and kaminari barged in inside Katsuki's room.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU FOUR DOING HERE?!?!?! FUCKERS GET OUT!" The four idiots ignored the blasty and sat on the floor. "DID YOU GUYS NOT HERE ME?! HAGHH?!?!"

"Chill blasty, we're just here to chill." Mina said sitting on top of Katuski's bed.



"Woaah~ bakubro! Who's this?! He looks cute." Kirishima said holding a piece of frame on his hand. Katsuki immidietly grabbed the frame and growled at the red.


Mina quickly grabbed the frame from bakugou's hands.

"Look! Sero! Kaminari! Isn't he cute?" Mina showed the picture to the two boys who was playing on their phone.

As soon as sero saw the picture his eyes widened tapping kaminari's arm continuously making kaminari glare at the black haired and yelled a "WHAT?"

Sero pointed at the frame making kaminari drop his phone. Kaminari and Sero looked at Bakugou who glared at the two his knuckles turned into a fist as his thumb was sliding dangerously at his neck.

'You're dead.' Was the message katsuki was telling the two, Sero and Kaminari nodded their heads.

"ALL RIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH FUCK IT! GET THE FUCK OUT ALL OF YOUUU!!!!" Katsuki activated his quirk letting dangerous sparks from his palms.

The four's heart started thumping hardly knowing that the blonde wasn't joking no more. They immidietly ran out of the room leaving katsuki sigh picking the frame up from his bed.



"We found their location!" Detective Tsukauchi barged inside the meeting room.
The heroes' head snapped towards the detective with wide gaze.

"Shit! That's definately good news." Snipe said.

"so we already know what his quirk is, but we still don't know where he took the missing people's bodies." Detective Tsukauchi remarked.

"Aizawa-kun... I need you to, at least keep your eyes open for about 15-20 minutes if we caught him. Can you do that?" The people inside the room looked at Nezu who spoke with enthusiasm as he could finally catch the villain. He wasn't sure, but it's not that bad to think ahead right?

"Sure." Aizawa said boredly, even if Nezu didn't told, he'd still do it anyways. After knowing what kind of quirk the villain has, he started having staring contests with random cats. He found out that it'll help them surpress the villains quirk and not get away.

"I already made a plan in mind, but i also want to know what you guys think." Nezu told the heroes who only nodded while some raised their hands.


Trust Me (Bkdk) (Villain Deku Au) Where stories live. Discover now