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Soon after Class 1A arrived at the gym gamma. 2 different classes joined them.
"Alright. So all of you must've been informed as to why you guys are here. But anyways! Let's start! Class 1-C! You guys are up. Each of you will be given the chance to fight your classmates one on one.

(Le skip, brought to you by~ cAlM d0wN jAmMaL d0n'T pUlL uP tHe nIn3-- ahaHaHahA. Btw i can't remember if Class 1C is a part of the hero course so... Let's just oretend they do or if they are then they are.)

Class 1-B and C were given the time for their breaks. All in all, their training with their teachers were much-- of a soft training. Everytime a student got a broken bone or wince, their homeroom teachers would stop the fight and let the injured one rest while the other wins.

Aizawa on the other hand was mentally yelling 'pathetic' each punch those weak ass of a students would give.

The time class 1A has finally stood up on the platform, ehem... You can already feel the tension-- a deadly tension. 1A's training are always advanced, always ahead of others. With or without Izuku they have been training harshly. What do you expect from Aizawa? Give them donuts each morning? Give their written test instead of their usual training 'till the other gets injred badly? Bitch. You. Are. Wrong.

Aizawa announced each person that will go against each other. As the chosen pairs faced each other in 2 lines.

Imagine that they are facing each other in 2 lines.


"Alright... Remember... No.holding.back. fight 'till one of you gives up! I don't want no weaklings in my class and i'm sure all of you know that." Aizawa said then he sat back and observe. (|-_-|)

The gym was filled with a toxic and deadly aura that was comming from the students. Oh you would not see any hesitations in their faces. "I'll beat you up. 'Till you bleed." Was their faces would say and the others shivered as they could easily read what it meant.

The fight went on and on and it's finally Kaminari and Izuki's fight. The other students from different sections were rather impatient, since the only thing that they looked up to seeing is how the ex-villain would attack.

They are eager enough to beat the greenette, without any particular reason. Dick move right?

"Position." Aizawa boredly said before sipping on his cup as kaminari started letting out sparks from his hands.

"I'm not gonna hold back!" Kaminari said with full determination as he stared at the greenette who only smiled, Kaminari squinted his eyes feeling offended but nonetheless he knew to himself that he's no way half near the greenette.

The gap is still too far, but he's willing to fight him and improve.

"Go on." Izuku said letting his opponent attack first.

"10 million voltz!!!" Kaminari positioned himself as yellow sparks started rampaging in his body.

"Wait! That's too much! Kaminari!!" Jirou yelled. 2 million is already enough to make someone faint but 10 million is too much.

"Hey!" Sero yelled wanting to stop the fight as he looked at the teachers who only wore a shocked expression.

"That dunce face... I'll kill him." Katsuki's menacing voice laced throughout the crowd as he glared at the electric blonde wanting to kill him with his bare hands.

Aizawa on the other hand didn't stopped the fight. He observed the ex-villain and saw that he's not even flinching, not a sight of fright can be seen on the greenette's face. He was rather smirking while looking at his opponent.

Knowing Izuku, he's deku-- the deku who always has his way of escaping, the deku who you would never guess on what he had in mind, the deku who plans everything on spot. Aizawa knew that the greenette can handle it, and lalala~ he just sat back and observe.

"Mr.Aizawa! You should be--Midoriya!!!" Iida cuts his words off as Kaminari sent the 10 million voltz towards the greenette.

Cracks started appearing on the ground that ran towards the greenette. Izuku didn't moved an inch or maybe even a millimeter.

"FUCKING DUNCE FACE!!!!!" Katsuki yelled and was about to run towards the area but Todoroki and Tokoyami beat him to it.

"It's too dangerous." Todoroki simply said as he held Bakugou back.


Kaminari noticed that 10 milliom wasn't enough. "50 million!!!!!!!" The electric blonde yelled making the others gasped.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Vlad king yelled but was stopped by Aizawa's scarf.

"Let them."

"Mr. Aizawa!!" Momo yelled, the other class seemed traumatized. Of course! They'll need a lot of therapy sessions after that brutal fight.

Kaminari stopped when he saw Izuku fell to his knees, luckily he wasn't on yey mode yet, his maximum volts were about 60 million. He made a progress after having a tip from midoriya. He watched hunter x hunter so much and tried doing what Killua did. It was fun, he didn't expected it to work-- but he ain't complainin'

Kaminari gasped for air and bent his knees a little placing his palms on his knees.

"Looks like the wi---" Aizawa was interrupted when Izuku started chuckling like how he used to chukle when he was still a villain.

It sent shivers through the others spines especially when Izuku raised his head. His face was so dark and scary making the others turn pale by the sight.

Izuku slowly got up and smiled sloppily at Kaminari. "Hmm... You want to damage me with your quirk?... You still have a loo~ng way to go... Why?? Well-- you still atleast need to go beyond 900000000 volts." Kaminari widened his eyes by the response, before he could even reply Izuku disappeared at his sight and felt a pang of pain in his nape as he passed out.

Yes... Izuku karate chopped chopped his nape. Lmao. (I'm sorryyy!! Hahah!)

Izuku caught Kaminari and gently laid him on the ground. He looked at his audience and saw all pf them with eyes wide open.


"I can't believe he did that."
"He's still a villain after all."
"He's so cruel."
"How dare he?!"
"And here i thought he stopped being a villain."
"Maybe he was just pretending."

Murmurs spreaded around the campus. Unfortunately, Monoma the fucking bitch spread the events that happened earlier. He intentionally missed out some details to actually make Izuku more of the bad guy.

"Hey! Midoriya isn't like that!!!" Mineta defended as the whole class walked together once again.

"Don't worry about them." Izuku said as he casually walked with his fingers clasped together and placed it on the back of his head.

"But they shouldn't do that!!" Hagakure said as she glared at the students even though she knew no one can see her.

"I agree, why would you let someone step down on you? Add the fact that you have the rights to defend yourself." Iida said pressing his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose, slightly glaring at the students who were watching them.

"It's fine. Who do you think i am? It's deku we're talking about. And plus! I take criticisms very well! I've been dealing with those for how many months and got criticized or judged a lot harsher than those." Izuku shrugged before smirking looking up front.

"Heh. You've become a badass now huh?" Katsuki said enough for Izuku to hear.

Izuku's smirk only widened as he stared at the blonde at the corner of his eyes for a second.

"Have been, and always will be."

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