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"Wear your suit, and sleep. You did great for the past 5 days." Shigaraki told Izuku, patting his head before keaving him behind. He was all alone, he wanted to scream and cry but he couldn't. He just couldn't.

He wanted to break Shigaraki's hand since the man made him feel like he's some kind of an animal. Izuku limped towards a chair where his suit was laying over.

Izuku would flinch everytime his skin makes contacs with his own other skin feeling the electric still running in his body. The metal board he was standin---laying on wasn't helping. It just made things worse, because dude! Electric with metal is like a demon's creation!

And yes... He was tortured for 5 days nonstop, no sleep, no rest, no eat, eyes wide open, and just... Nonstop.


The heroes are looking at a big screen inside the room. They planted a camera on a certain person. They found a man working for the League. They tried to catch him but he still escaped.

Plus there weren't much heroes on the patrol that time, only fat gum and snipe were there to catch the man. Luckily Nezu gave snipe a small camera that even an ant can't see. He gave it just in case something like that happens and yes it worked.

How did they found out that the man was working for the League? Well... An information got leaked out of nowhere, but it was also deleted after a few seconds. Luckily one of the officers saved the file just a milisecond after bring deleted.

What happened to the officer? He got promoted :>

"Okay... The camera is well-advanced, it's sensitive to any sound and we can hear it very clearly." Nezu told the heroes who only nodded. The screen shows a different place, it was bumping up and down indicating that the man is walking.

The heroes already knew where the villain's hide out was, but they can't just go without knowing what's inside it. Or maybe what's going on.

The screen showed a door being opened by the man with the planted camera, revealing a group.

"Did you get the information?" They heard and saw the blue-haired man ask.


"Okay, give this to him." Shigaraki said handing a tray of food that almost looked like a pig's food bowl.

It was just mixed on whatever it is from the leftovers. "Okay."

The man started walking towards a door. It was far anough from to where the group was, but as soon as he got near the door the heroes and and the man heard a piano playing.

"Thought i found a way...
Thought i found a way, yeah~
But you never go away"

"He's in pain huh?" The man said with the camera, as the heroes got confused on who was singing and what the man said.

"Oh~i hope someday...
I'll make it out of here~
Even if it takes all night... Or a hundred years. Need a place to hide...
But i can't find one near,
Wanna feel alive, outside.. I can't fight my fears~" the heroes understood the lyrics as they heard pain in the singing boy's voice when it cracked beautifully.

All might knew who the singing boy was.
"All might! Fun fact about me! I always sing to express my feelings, especially when i'm in pain." He remembered those exact words from the greenette. He never really heard him sing but now he does.

It's beautiful... But he's singing it with so much pain. It made him wonder, on what could've happened to his poor successor..

'I'm sorry if i didn't noticed, young midoriya... But... I'll trust you on this.'

Trust Me (Bkdk) (Villain Deku Au) Where stories live. Discover now