Fourty-Six (46)

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"What are we going to do now?" Midnight asked staring at the chaos from the glassed window.

"Confront them. Duh." Mirko plainly said smirking at the scene. She had her kuckles closed in a loose fist while it was placed on her waist.

Detective Tsukauchi squinted his eyes. "Let's go. They might know something. The smallest clue can give us a bigger chance to save that boy." He said sighing lightly, determined to save Izuku.

Izuku has done so much. And now... It's time for them to express their gratittude towards the youngest hero. The new symbol of piec-- no... Rather than being the symbol of piece, he's more of a symbol of hope.

There is no doubt that Izuku will be on the top. He's not number 1. He's number 0. The toppest among the tops. (The fuck did i just typed? I dunno guys! It cringed me out when i realized that the other meaning i was imagining was deku topping Endeavor T~T fml!)

The pros talked to the netizens, they agreed to cooperate. They decided that they should all talk in private so that no ome would ever hear on what they are talking about.

They can't let their plan to save Izuku fail.  Causing a riot is enough to spread all over the city, it wouldn't be surprising if the League even found out about this.

They all decided that they should talk in the underground mansion where all of the supposed-to-be-dead netizens hide themselves.

"We'll meet you guys there then." Nezu said staring at the 'leader' who was the 1st person Izuku saved with a small smile.

"Yes." The man said nodding his head before signaling his colleagues to go. They all need their own vehicles, or maybe they could just use the train or just simply walk.

They all had different transmitions. The pros head towards their cars. All might, Nezu,  Detective Tsukauchi, Midnight, Present mic, and Aizawa will be sharing Detective Tsukauchi's car

They all sat on their seats when Aizawa's phone suddenly rang causing the others to look at him automatically. Aizawa took his phome out from his pocket and saw his noisy and naggy child.

Aizawa rolled his eyes before answerimg the call. "What is it now annoying child?" Aizawa said. Detective Tsukauchi started the engine as Aizawa talks to his student.

"Put it on speaker!" Present Mic whisper-shouted at Aizawa who only glared at him but still did as to what he was told.

He set the phone on speaker and eyed Present mic with a 'happy-now....?-look' present Mic just nodded his gead catching up to what his husband was signaling.

"Sir! Fake Midoriya attempted to escape!" Iida's voice rang from the other line causing the people inside the car twitch their ears as to what they just heard.

Aizawa smirked proudly when he saw the other's reaction. 'Yup... Those are my smarty-assed kids.'

"Didn't thought they'd catch up that quickly. Your class is amazing Earaserhead."
Detective Tsukauchi said eyeing the pro from the rear mirror. Of course the detective knows how intelligent Class 1A is. They are quite an outstanding group of students. Those kids are different and far more superior than the other classes.

Who wouldn't know that class? Not only did they ruled the sports festival, they also has been the talk of the town for quite some time. Considering the fact that most of the students in that class has a few cases of attempted murder, a girl tryn' to chase a bag of money, destruction of government properties and taking so many illegal actions without the official/pros' consent.

They're basically the worst yet best kids in the city-- scratch that shit. They're the worst yet best kids in the whole damn world. Although world is an overreacting term, but you won't find any other kids like that. They act heroic but villanous at the same time.

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