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The detective ran his engine as they drove following the ringing ambulance.
The whole fast ride was silent. They had their own thoughts, but all of them was the same.

'Is he okay?'

Was all they could think of. They would sometimes mentally slap their foreheads for being stupid. Of course, the kid is not okay.

Worry grew more and more into them. Detective Tsukauchi who is always calm at times like this, just wanted to break the law and outspeed his car. Unfortunately he can't.

He just can't see a kid die. A kid who they accused of being a monster killer. A kid who faced the world's cruelty. A kid who saved others before saving himself.

It was a devastating fact that they couldn't do anything to help or lessen the burden Izuku was going through.

Mina suddenly pulled out a rosary and started praying (yea. She turned into Asahi)
She doesn't know the greenette that well, but she knows that he's good person and a good company.

Kami and Sero was staring on a space of nothing, the greenette helped them, when they were in the verge of death, but here they are... They did nothing and just let the kid do everything on his own.

Sero wished he could turn back time and just told the pros about the greenette's whereabouts, they could've helped him from that hell of a place. Unfortunately, he thought about it deeply, if he told the pros Izuku would've gone to grave danger.

The pros suddenly barging in there, the villains would probably know what could've been the reason since the main mission will be saving the tortured kid.

Katsuki was dead silent at the very back. He was lucky that his classmates was sitting infront of him, or else they'll see the thick facade Katsuki has been building up since childhood.

Katsuki was tearing up. He doesn't want to seem weak, but seeing the greenette tortured by pain with his own eyes pained him a lot. He doesn't understand what he's feeling, but he regretted everything he had done to Izuku.

It all started when they were kids. Back then, Katsuki loved Izuku's smile. He would sometimes pull off harsh jokes which makes the greenette sad, but after Katsuki would laugh at his own jokes, Izuku would follow. That's why he kept on doing it over and over again just to see the greenette smile after a split-sad-time. Not only that, he loves being spoiled by Izuku. Even though he doesn't show it, he loves it.

He dearly treasured the greenette which made him confused... The time where he fell on to the lake from a log, he was really hoping to see Izuku run towards him and help him. He was happy, but when Izuku was there in front of him... He doesn't know why, but it made his blood boil.

Everytime Katsuki would see even just a glimpse of his green hair, he would throw harsh realities on the greenette. Katsuki hates it but doesn't know how to stop.

A time where he stopped trying to be mean,  one thing made katsuki realize is that... He can no longer make Izuku smile. He gave up and continued being harsh to the green head and ended up bullying him.

He never stopped being an asshole, but he also never stopped caring. He just hates everything. He doesn't know what to feel, he's too confused. He felt like someone drugged him just to make him hate Izuku. Of course that's not possible though.

'No... I have to be strong for Deku. From now on... I'll turn things right. Forgive me, nerdshit...'  (CaLm d0wN JaMaLlLl d0n'T pUlL uP tHe NiNeEeE)

They arrived at the hospital. All of them quickly got out of the car as they ran towards the door. They went towards the nurse with a loptop in front of him.

"Excuse me, sir! Can i---" the nurse immidietly recognized them and knew who they were looking for, since he saw the live that was just aired a few minutes ago. So he cuts Detective Tsukauchi's words and nodded.

"He's still in the operating room, 2nd floor." Nezu thanked the nurse. Present mic yanked Nezu on his shoulder as they all ran towards the said floor.

Nurses, doctors and patients are making way for them. Some doesn't know what's going on but most of them do.

As they got nearer and nearer towards the operating room. They could hear a lot of shufflings and shoutings. The saw the door widely open with 2 surgeons present inside.

They saw a lot of tube that was connected on Izuku's body. "Shit! Hurry up! His pulse is dropping dramatically!!! This is bad! Out of the way!!!" The heroes were shoved on the side when four panicking nurses running towards the door with a lot of equipments on their arms.

The door immidietly closed as Midnight almost melted on the floor with her hands clasped over her mouth.

It was an awful and heart-stinging scene to watch. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?!" Bakugou rampaged glaring at the operating room's door. His heart couldn't take it seeing his bestfriend with a lot of tubes and in the verge of dying. His heart felt heavy, he wanted to cry but he also doesn't want to at the same time, resulting for him to release his emotions with angst.

"Oh my god..." Mina felt her knees weaken as she went towards Midnight and hugged her.

"Is h-he go-gonna... Die?? Please tell me he won't..." Kirishima said breathlessly staring at the operating room's door in space. He remembered the tubes that was connected on Izuku's body, the panicking nurses, the shoutings and the slow beep from the screen that was monitoring Izuku's pulse rate/heartbeat. It was traumatizing. The only person who stood up for him, the only person who cheered him up... And the only person who inspired him to become a better hero, almost dying infront of his eyes is too much..

Of course they only talked for a few minutes but the choice of words the two of them shared, instanly created a bond between them.

He was in the verge of breaking out. Kirishima treated the greenette as a friend, and thinking that he'll lose him on the spot makes him want to cry.

"Of course he won't... Young Midoriya has done something very reckless and dangerous throughout the months, he's strong enough to make it this far." All might mumbled. He was pretty sure about that. He had and still has faith in the greenette. He's trusting him.

"He's right kiriman! Midoriya saved hundreds of people that was supposed to be dead." Kaminari comforted his 'crush' (*le gasp* *lenny-faces*)

Kirishima looked at the electric blonde and smiled, causing Kami to have a little...well maybe not too little gay panic.

"You shitheads are supposed to be ASLEEP!" Aizawa shouted at his students who looked down except for Bakugou who only made a 'tsk' sound.

"Sorry, Sensei... We were so worried about Midoriya." Sero said as it almost sounded like he was whispering.

Bakugou looked at his pockets since his phone kept on vibrating. He took his phone out only to be greeted with his mother's name on the screen.

He anseered the call and dragged it on his ear. "BRAT! I SAW IZUKU EALIER! WHAT HAPPENED?! IS HE OKAY?!?!"

Bakugou immidietly distanced the phone a little away from his ear as his mother kept on shouting from the other line. As soon as he heard that it was starting to calm he dragged hid phone back to to his ear.





Bakugou heard a lot of mufflings as the call ended. Bakugou glared at his phone mentally cursing everything.

A few people were staring at him for being too loud, the nurses were too scared to the point that they don't even want to interfere.

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL STARING AT FUCKING EXTRAS?!?!" Everyone removed their gazes from the blonde and minded their own businesses. The pros and his classmates only looked at Bakugou already used to his
Attitude and nodded at the audience as an apology.

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