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The school bell rang indicating that it's already lunch. "Since i'm your teacher today! I'll be the one to dismiss you. And not that sleeping caterpillar over there. C'mon! Class dismissed!" The class cheered and tidied their bags up.

"You literally took my spot as a teacher. I'm not complaining." Aizawa said standing up from the floor and hanging his sleeping bag on his arm.

"Pfft, nice to see that you're still alive Shouta sensei." Aizawa glared at the greenette before nodding.

"Whatever problem child, i'll just have my lunch and you have yours." Aizawa walked out and Izuku stared at the class happily.

"Now~ why don't we share the same table?" Izuku suggested making the others smile and nod in agreement.

"That'll be so cool!" Mineta said grabbing his wallet from his bag.

"All right. Let's go." Izuku said leading the way as the other 19 students followed.

They just chatted throughout the hallways and through the cafeteria door. Izuku was talking to Uraraka and Iida while Bakugou is in his squad. (Decided that i'll be doing some headcannons here, 'ya know? Like the squads and shits.) They went inside the cafeteria and everything felt silent except the class 1A.

Izuku went to the center part of the cafeteria, drawing more attentions to them. "Let's just combine these three tables together and sit. That okay?" His classmates agreed and helped him move the tables as they set each other.

(I'll explain the seating arrangement.)

      Bk Km Kr Sr Ma Tk Mm So Sj
      Td Id Ts Ur Jr Kd Mt Hg Yg Oj

(Names from the initials: bk-bakugou, km-kaminari, kr-kirishima, Sr-sero, Ma-Mina, Tk-Tokoyami, Mm-Momo, Sj-Shouji, dk-Deku, Td-todoroki, Id-Iida, Ts-Tsuyu, Ur-Uraraka, Jr-Jirou, Kd-Koda, Mt-mineta, Hg-Hagakure, Yg-Yuga, Oj-Ojiro.)

"Why do i feel like i'm the father here?" Izuku said as the others giggled expcept for bakugou that has anger issues and todoroki who doesn't seem to find anything funny.

"Alright. Ya'll need to help me get our lunch. Uraraka, Ojiro, and Kirishima help me. Iida stay here, keep them in their seats. I don't want anyone goofing around." Izuku made sure to leave a murderous glare at his classmates before skipping his feet with a smile.

"So... Should we get the full bundle?" Izuku asked making his friends nod.

"I don't mind." Kirisima said with a smile on his face.

"All right." It didn't took them too long to get their food. Uraraka used her quirk so that it wouldn't be a hassle to grab all 20 plates.

A student was about to make Izuku trip but Izuku made a no-hand summersault and glared at the student. But nonetheless he didn't uttered a word. It attracted the attentions of the student but didn't interefered.

Izuku started walking again, except the three (Ura, Kiri & Jiro A/n: Jiro not Jirou.)
The three of them glared at the student witht the poor attempt on embarassing the ex-villain. Kirishima placed a hand on the students shoulder. "Mess with him... And you mess with the whole class." And with that they followed Izuku pushing the floating trays.

They made their way to their table and the others quickly grabbed their trays. Uraraka release them making a small bumping noise on the silent crowd.

"Itadakimasu." They all muttered clasping their hands together and ate.

"This is soo cool! Why didn't we thought about this earlier?" Kaminari asked while munching on his food. And the others shrugged.

They continued on talking and sharing stories about each other. Izuku on the other hand was talking to Shoto from time to time, figuring that the bi-colored boy has a hard time conversing and socializing with others. So he kept him company.

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