Fourty-Two (42)

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(I just realized i published the wrong chapter 🙂 aight! Imma kill myself! So the chapter that i deleted was actually chapter 42!! SKXGDBDN!!! BUT ANYWAYS! you've guys probably read this already! But chapter 43 is still not done. Fuck. Angst will be over soon, so sit tight my loves!)

"Thank you for defending me guys." Izuku shyly said at his classmates.

"No problem dude! It's what friends are for!" Kaminari said giving Izuku a thumbs up. Izuki swore he heard the electric blonde mumble something but he didn't quite caught up with it.

"What was that?" Izuku asked making Kaminari panic.

"No! It's nothing!" Kaminari smiled nervously waving his hands at front slightly.

Izuku squinted his eyes a little doubting the electeic blonde. 'They really are weird.'

"Let's continue." Aizawa butted in making the class sit on their seats properly and once again Aizawa continued his lesson.

It wasn't too long when the school bell rang, Class 1A stood up on their seats getting ready to got to the cafeteria.
Before Katsuki could even walk out of the room, Aizawa stopped him.

"Bakugou. I need to talk to you." Aizawa said passing through Katsuki's side, walking out of the room. Katsuki was confused but still followed his teacher.

"Do you think Bakugou is in trouble?" Kaminari asked out letting anyone answer his question.

"How are we supposed to know, dipshit?" Kaminari pouted at Jirou as soon as he heard her respons.

"You're mean."

"I know."

"Okay enough, let's just go." Iida said as the others followed him behind. They walked through the hallways with more and more people starting to whisper about them.

"I suddenly want to stab their eyes. Can't they just mind their own businesses?" Aoyama said doing dramatic gestures.

"Yea. I really want to stitch their mouth closed." Uraraka said giggling out of nowhere.

"And i'll supply you with it." Momo backed up smirking slightly.

"Enough. Arguing with violence is bad, if you don't want your hero license to be taken away, or even get suspended then keep everything down low. Let them do whatever they want." Iida coldly said glaring at his classmates slightly.

"But they're talking bad about me!" Izuku dramatically said. Iida sighed as he tapped Izuku's shoulder.

"Even though you are my friend, you are not an exemption." Izuku shrugged off the dark blue haired boy's hand because of what he said.

"You're a useless friend." Izuku mumbled but enough for the people close to him hear.

"Excuse me?" Iida said feeling really offended.

"You're excused." Izuku rolled his eyes towards Iida."you know what? Fuck this and fuck you. Go and take lunches on your own." Izuku walked faster leaving the class stunned on their places.

Kirishima and Sero mumbled something in the air. Which their classmates probably heard.
"Damn it! Damn it!" Izuku cussed under his breath walking inside the cafeteria. Everything felt silent as he felt eyes staring at him. He flicked his head up glaring at everyone who he made eye contact with.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL STARING AT?!?!?!" Izuku shouted as the students inside the cafeteria turned their heads away from the greenette.

"That's what i thought." Izuku whispered, smirking as he made his way towards the counter and ordered himself his food.

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