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"Hey... We're runnin' out of money... Should we rob a bank?" Twice suggested.

"Yeah! No eyes man didn't even gave us enough money for this month!" Izuku yelled out of annoyance and boredom.

The league wasn't surprised at to what Izuku had called their master. When in fact he's the only one who can oppose the superior like that.

All for one took a liking at the young one for being gutsy and refusing him from giving the boy a quirk. They heard that Izuku wanted to be a unique villain. He wanted to show the world how superior quirkless people can be.

"Sure. I need to buy coffee for us." Kurogiri said checking the drawers only to find a few more left.

"I want to buy a new knife!" Toga said grinning happily imagining a knife in hand.

"I want to buy a gun!" Izuku said excitedly. He's been wanting a new gun for the past 2 months. His gun has gone a little rusty so he wanted a new one.

"All right. It's Already night... But eh! Let's just go." Twice said making the two younger once scream at excitement.

"You guys need to calm down." Kurogiri chuckled before making a portal infront of them.

Izuku wore his mask as they entered the portal. They ended up outside a bank. They looked at each other before crashing the glass door down.


The heroes went to the location as fast as they can and they saw a group that was laughing while holding a few bags on their hands.

"Oh look the heroes are here! Oh my god! I'm scared." Deku faked his voice while pointing at the heroes.

The league laughed a little when he acted like a fake-scared gay.

"Oh shut up!" Endeavor who wasn't having it snapped at deku.

"Oh really now? Hahahahaha!! We're leavin' bye~" Izuku made a two finger salute as kurogiri made a portal.

"Snipe! Now!" A loud bang was heard shocking the villains for a few second.

The villains quickly entered the portal disappearing in thin air. The heroes quickly huddled up together with snipe holding a loptop in his hands.

Snipe pressed the record mode for them to review it after, just in case they missed any detail at the first watch.

The villain was shot right on the back of his hand when he reacted quickly and covered it's chest when the bullet was almost burried in it.

when the villains entered the abandoned building twice immidietly talked.
"Who got shot?" The others looked at themselves finding nothing except Izuku who has his head hung low.


"Shut up." Izuku cuts shigaraki when he was about to speak. Izuku was in a bad mood.
His head was rampaging.

He knew that there's something about the bullet  but he doesn't know what. He just know. How did he know? Normally snipe would shoot him several times. But this time he just shot him only once while reserving him to attack last.

As much as possible he needed to be careful. "I need to rest." Izuku mumbled as the LOV almost shivered by his cold voice.

"None of you utter a word. I'm gonna sleep." He didn't let the others have the time to respond as he quickly went inside his room.

Grabbing his kit as he performed first aid.
Even if it hurts so much to the fact that he didn't have any anesthesia. He removed the bullet with medical tweezers. He let out a small groan feeling dizzy.

He hated being dizzy since it makes his nerves create it's own ruckus. He doesn't know what emotion to pick. He felt himself walk towards his swivel chair. He doesn't know why but he opened his loptop.

The fight All might had with All for one years ago was played. The heroes furrowed their eyes in confusion.

"Why's he watchin' that?" Snipe mumbled to himself as he was shushed by ryuku.
A moment of silence, they heard muffled sounds from the loptop but couldn't hear it completely since they were still in public,  noises were still evident on the surroundings.

The loptop looked like it was being soaked by water... More like tears

The pros was shocked when they saw the screen almost filled with tears. It wasn't that long when the screen turned to black either indicating that the villain fell asleep or the serum was worn out.

"We need to take this to Nezu." Crust suggested earning fair nods from the pros


Later that night, the pros had another meeting about the same villain. They were weirded and confused as fuck.

Nezu reviewed the scene on the screen (rhymed °_°) turning the volume to the max (lol) they heard sniffs and breathings.

"Just a little bit more... I need a little bit more time... Please give me a bit more time... Trust me." Was the words that they heard from the villain. Curiousity has been filling them up.

"What does he mean? Time? Trust? What the heck i'm so confused." Hawks who was present at the meeting had the urge to bang his head on the table, but gladly he didn't.

"Wait wait wait wait... Fucking hol' up, i know i shouldn't trust a villain but... Maybe just fucking maybe! He didn't kill anyone." The pros and detective looked at present mic as if he was the worst theorist ever.

Endeavor scoffed at the man. "Oh really? Can you explain the dead bodies with chopped limbs?" He said glaring at present mic.

"Check the corpses again... I need to confirm something." Nezu suddenly spoke. The heroes doesn't know on what's running on the rat's mind.

"What for?" Hedge Dog asked the rat eyeing him suspicously.

"Just check it. I need the reports done by the end of the day. Dismissed." Thoughts were rampaging in their heads once again.
They couldn't do anything but nod at the before rat leaving the room.

Nezu, all might and detective tsukauchi was left inside. "Do you know who that man is, yagi?" Nezu eyed All might.

All might almost squeezed his brain out but still remembered nothing. "No." Nezu loked at Tsukauchi who only nodded his head as a sign that the man was telling the truth.

"I might have a lead on what his quirk is but i still need to confirm it." The rat said making the two massage their temple.


"Nezu-kun, we have a big news!" Midnight said as she screamed on the phone.

She was still shocked at to what she saw. After Nezu told them to check each corpse to where all the missing people has been burried. She couldn't believe what she witnessed.

"We'll be there in a few minutes." Nezu told on the other line before hanging up.

"Fuck... That guy is so mysterious... This is bullshit." Snipe said staring at the hole they dug out and opened coffin.

"Oh my fucking god... What is a shredded bag doing there?!?!" Present Mic said loudly. They didn't bothered checking if there were people other than them.

They didn't allowed the civilains to enter the area and luckily the medias aren't present.

They all stared at shredded bags with fluffies. 'Ya know the stuff inside a stuff toy? Yeah that's it. The bags has clothes. And they don't know why.

Soon after Nezu came and looked at the opened coffins grinning widely as his suspicions were right.

He let out a small chuckle making the others look at him with confusion.
"Meeting tomorrow.10:00 am."

Trust Me (Bkdk) (Villain Deku Au) Where stories live. Discover now