Thirty-Eight (38)

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"How much do you like Izuku?" That damned question caught Katsuki off guard.

"Wha...what?" Answered a stunned Katsuki.

"I already know you like him, but at what point? How much?" Mina asked with full on serious mode.

"Why the fuck should i tell you?! It's my privacy! My privacy, My life!" Katsuki defended not wanting to let them know how much of a softie he is when he's with the greenette.

"If you're worried that we'll know that you're Midoriya's puppy. Trust me bro. We already know." Kaminari said seriously trying to hold back the smirk that was hiding beneath his serious mask.

"The fuck you mean 'Midoriya's Puppy' ?!"
Jirou rolled her eyes having the urge to bang the blonde head with a rolled news paper.

"It means we already know that Angel has your leash wrapped around his pinky."

"The fuck you mean earplugs?! I ain't no dog!!" Katsuki had a harsh scowl on his face making Sero scoff teasingly.

"Well you're acting like one right now." Katsuki almost snapped his head towards Sero.

"I'll ask again... How much do you like Midoriya? At exactly what point?" Mina asked, Katsuki had a scowl on his face and 'tsked' for about 2 times.

"Fucks sake. I'll only say this fuckery once. And i'm not repeating again 'ya got that fuckers?!?!" The 5 students' faces lit up but cleared their throat again and kept their serious expressions.

"Carry on." Kaminari said doing a hand gesture.

Katsuki glared at Kaminari before heaving a harsh sigh. "I don't like him fucktards. I it's the L word okay!!" The blonde felt himself cringing just by hearing himself confess.

If he wanted to confess, it has to be infront of a certain person... It has to be Izuku.

"By L word, you mean LOVE..?" Kaminari teasingly muttered.

"What else could it be, dunce shit?" Jirou sassed looking at Kaminari with an eye brow raised.

"Loath." Kaminari fought back.

"I'm surprised you even know that word." Jirou said rolling her eyes a little.

"The hell you mean 'sUrPriSeD' ?" Kaminari mimicked Jirou in a mocking tone and face.

"Fuck! Shut up Kaminari! Let Bakugou talk!" Mina said smacking yhe back of Kaminari's head. Kami only rubbed the pained area slightly glaring at Mina.

"That hurts..." Kami whispered.

"It was suPPOSED to be." Mina said emphasizing 'pposed'

"Tsk. I love him. To the point that i could kill for him, die for him, and even... Ehem. Be a fucking good dog for him." Kami, Sero, and Kiri laughed outloud while Mina and Jirou tried not to laugh.

"You admit it!! HA!" Kirishima said as he continued to laugh slapping his hand on his lap.

Katsuki started blasting off small sparks on his palms smiling darkly at the red head.
"Want me to burn your throats? I promise i'll be harsh to the point that you guys won't be able to talk for the rest of your fucking boring lives." Katsuki said with a creepy smile displayed on his lips.

"I-i'm j-j-ju-just kid-kidding!!" Kirishima raised both of his hands up im the air beside his head.

"That's what i thought."

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