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"Hahahah! Man you guys are dumb!" Kirishima laughed at Kaminari and Sero who glared at the red.

"Shut up, you're dumb too, idiot." Sero told the red hair which made him glare at the black.

"OH FUCKING SHUT UP!" Bakugou yelled, irritated by the squad's voice. Hearing them laughing just triggeres his anger issues so much.

"Bakugou! We--"


"Calm down bakubro, what has gotten into you?" Kirishima asked his friend obviously teasing him.

"SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR!" He got more irritated when Kaminari and Sero talked infront of him with loud voices.

He quickly grabbed both of their heads and bump them to each other making them groan in pain.

"Fucking dumbass!! TOO FUCKING LOUD!!"

"You do realize that you're the one who's too loud." Uraraka yeeted in their conversation but later on regretting it, when bakugou turned his head on her.

"HAGGHHH?!?!?!" Kirisihima held Bakugou's arm stopping the blonde from attacking the girl who hid behind Iida's back.

"Oww.." Sero groaned, same as Kaminari.

"Shi--" kaminari cuts his own words when certain events from his un-remembered past came in through his mind like a train.

"I'll help you..." A boy with moss green hair stared at him. His eyes were soft, freckles were evident on his face. His green eyes were glowing neon.

"Wh-what happened?" He asked the greenette who only smiled at him softly.

"Well... You were about to be killed by The league.i'm Deku." The electric blonde looked at the greenette, fear was evident in his eyes.

He remembered how the man's eyes glowed before smirking at the electric blonde, he heard a loud bang that made him passed out. (That's a flashback if you guys don't know)

"I'm here to help, i'm sorry if i scared you a while ago... I just couldn't think of anything. Don't worry, you're safe. I won't hurt you i promise." His nerves relaxed upon seeing the greenete's eyes. It was calm. He felt like a forest being calmed by a soothing wind.

The greenette held  a hand out which the electric blonde took. "Why are you helping me??" He asked the 'villain'

"Will you believe me if i said that... I'm doing this to save people? That i'm doing this to seek revenge from the person who killed my most loved one?" They walked as the greentte brushed the dust on his pants.

"Will you believe me if i said that... I want to be a hero?" Kaminari looked at the man beside him with a soft gaze.

He looked at his neck and saw scars, as if he was electricuted. As if he was striked by a high voltaged lightning. His eyes turned to the man-- boy's hand when he took his gloves off revealing harsh scars.

"I think so..." Kaminari muttered making Izuku look at him with an amused expression before letting out a small chuckle.

"You're quite amusing, how could you trust a person who killed hundreds of people... A person you just met... A villain."

"I don't know... Maybe... Just maybe... You were also doing this to the people who got abducted by the league." Kaminari didn't want to say 'your league' since his guts was telling him that he's different from them.

Trust Me (Bkdk) (Villain Deku Au) Where stories live. Discover now