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"Izuku! Are you ready?!!!" Toga shouted making Izuku roll his eyes.

"You're so noisy Toga-chan. And please don't call me my first name when we get there. I'll be the one to introduce myself to them and see their shocked face, especially kacchan hahahahaha i want to see his reaction that'll be so epic!! Hahahahhaha!" He once again laughed like a maniac making the others smirk by his way of thinking.

"I could never guess what that boy is thinking." Dabi shooked his head with a smug look on his face.

"Whatever Dadabibi-kun~ LET'S GOOOO!!"

Kurogiri made a portal as they all went inside leaving deku behind... Because! He wAntS a GrAnD enTrAncE. Of course what he says, must be obeyed.


"Woahh!! This is so cool!" An electric blonde gaped looking around the stadium.

"You're here to train. Not to make this your playground." Aizawa boredly said. The students could barely hear anything but luckily they still did.

"Look! They had villains too!" Kirishima pointed out making the pros furrowed their eyebrows in confusion.

"I didn't programed a villain comming in...?" Said a confused thirteen, reviewing her tablet.

"Stand back! This is a real villain attack!!" The student made walls for their defense with just hearing their teacher said.

"Shit! I'm too handsome to dieee!!" Mineta started panicking.

"This is a serious situation and you still have the guts to joke around?!" Jirou screamed at grape head while she's in a fighting position.

The villains left a space in the middle as a rather short muscular but slim man walked holding his cape hovered on his shoulder.

"What do you want?!" Thirteen shouted anough for the villains to hear.

"Nothing!" The man in the middle jumped infront of them, as the students flinched stiffening their position. "I just wanted to have a little... Fun." He laughed like a maniac afterwards. Some of the girls cleared their throat as they find the laugh... hawt. (Yes... Even with the voice changer on.)

"And you're here to beat us up?!" Mineta shouted obviously shivering in fear.

"Hmm? Beat you up? I was just planning on scaring you actually but... That seems like a good idea!" The students mentally facepalmed at the stupidity of the grape.

"Way to go mineta, you're the one who's gonna get us killed!" Sero smacked the grape's head earning a groan.

The villain infront of them laughed like a maniac once again. "I like you! Hahahahah!!  I'm thinking of sparing you tape arms so rest assured that i'll just scare them." He winked at the man with tapes in his arms that made him furrow in confusion.

"Wow! Lucky! Mineta! Let me smack you too!" Denki smacked the grape head and soon after all of the class beat the grapes up. Except bakugou who was obviously stating at the villain's green eyes and todoroki who was just staring at the villain with no emotion at all.

The villain laughed once again while clapping his hands. "That was such an entertainment! Fine~ i'll spare all of you for now. Bye bye~ i'm gonna take a nap. Shiggy-san~ let's go home." As soon as the villain was about to jump a tight scarf wrapped around his body.

He was shocked for a second before smiling underneath his mask.
"Wow wow wowww~ shota-kun! What a pleasant surprise. But sorry, a scarf is nothing to me." In just a milisecond the scarf was torn and fell loose(ly) from the villain's body.

"Hahahahhahahahah!! Jaa ne~" he did a two-finger salute and jumped towards the group who was also entertained by the sight earlier. Soon after they entered the portal one by one.

With izuku left behind once again.
He did a hand sign that only a certain person can understand.

And that person widened his eyes before breathing heavily.

Trust me


After the attack Katsuki couldn't sleep at all.
His bestfriend is alive... But as a villain.

There were rumors that Izuku disappeared was because he and his mother got killed, or Izuku died of suicide and Inko followed him.

After a few months of investigation, the officers closed the case, the only thing they saw was deku's notes full of suicidal thoughts. They closed the investigation by reporting that the boy and mother died because of suicide.

Their bodies were nowhere to be found that made their neighbors suspicious especially the bakugou family.

What could've happened to the boy? If you look closely you could see a faint scar on his neck as if he was electricuted.

How the hell is he still alive?! But the posibilities started rampaging in his head.
He had a hint that it was Izuku the moment they stared at each other, but he chose to ignore it. Not until the villain did a sign language only they could understand..

You see, when they were still kids they used to cheat during class on their kindergarten days. So they customized the natural 'sign language' to their own version.

So that their teacher wouldn't find out. You could say that they were... 'Partners in crime' back in the days.

Katsuki stood up thinking of a lead as to why the villai-- Izuku said that.

"Shit, this is giving me a headache. Fuck."


"Ya'll i'm tired i need sleep. Or else i might steal a limb from you guys." Izuku yawned with his cold voice lingered in the league's minds.

"Okay." They knew that Izuku was serious when he said he might steal a limb from one of them.

One time when they disturbed his sleep, his eyes glowed neon green before almost killing all of them at the same time.

And another when they pestered him when he was exhausted, he... Once again, almost killed all of them at once.

That's why they learned that, when he's tired he needs sleep, and when he sleeps no one disturbs.

The boy was a psychopath and almost too cruel to the point that he might be praised by satan from hell. Of course luck was on satan's side that the kid was still alive 'til now.

The league thought that satan wouldn't want the boy to die since it'll be obvious that Izuku will steal his place and be the next Satan in hell.

Izuku went to his room and took his shoes off slumping himself on to his bed. His psycho expression left his face as a soft one replaced it.

'Well damn.' He thought before falling asleep

Trust Me (Bkdk) (Villain Deku Au) Where stories live. Discover now