Fourty-Five (45)

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AHHH!! FUCKING SHIT!" Izuku cussed as he felt a running chainsaw digging on his back.
Fuck that hurts. Blood was flooding everywhere and Eri who was staring at the greenette held the most traumatized expression everyone has seen.

"Eri..  Eri... Close your eyes please..?" Izuku pleaded as his voice died down, Eri in the other hand couldn't react quickly because of the scene in front of her. It took her a few seconds to do what Izuku said.

She covered her ears while her forehead resting on her knees as she sobbed not wanting to hear the painful screams comming from Izuku.

Izuku can't scream anymore... He felt numb, too numb to be exact. The running chainsaw stopped as it was pulled out from his back. Damn that's deep. Izuku flinched but he didn't cared.

"That was a dream come true.." Toga whispered while staring at Izuku with admiration. "You look a lot more handsome than you already look." She said while lacing her hand on Izuku's back.

She licked the blood from her finger staring at Izuku as if he's the only man in her eyes. Izuku heaved a deep breath before coughing. His back throbbed painfully while Toga pulled a knife from her skirt.

She started tracing the knife around Izuku's back, cutting it slightly open. The greenette stared at the floor without any trace of expression while his tears kept running off from his eyes.

Overhaul on the other hand was staring closely at Izuku. He sighed before stepping towards Eri who happened to hear the footsteps causing her to look up.

Her eyes widened at the man in front of her.
"Go and lay on the bed. We'll inject the other one to you." Overhaul said which made Eri shake in fear but still did as to what she was told.

Izuku heard what the man said as he looked up to them. "Stop..." Izuku whispered. It's too soft and quiet, he's probably the only person who heard it.

"Give him a break. We'll just turn him into a nomu." Shigaraki said scratching his itchy neck while staring blankly at Izuku.

'Nomu? Yea right.' Izuku thought to himself.

Izuku stared at Eri with teary eyes. It hurts him that he can t do anything to save her at the moment. His head wasn't functionung too well to even come up with a short... He's helpless. 

Night came in and it's currently 12:04 in the morning. Crickets started chriping through the dark place as Eri sobbed. The only light they had is a small dim lampost on the side of their cell.

Eri had gotten new bandages and she's very much pale since they took a lot of blood from her. They needed her DNA for the new serum process.

Izuku forced himself to talk, he couldn't bare another second hearing Eri cry. It hurts him... Too damn much.

Izuku heaved a breath as he started humming a certain tone.
"The sun goes down
The stars come out..." And once again Eri stopped crying.

She looked at Izuku who wore a soft and comforting smile plastered on his face. For once in her life again... She felt safe.

"And all that counts.
Is here and now..." Eri sang shakily. She heard the song from a radio right before when she tried to escape.

Izuku smiled after hearing her soft voice.
"My universe
Will never be the same..
I'm glad you came." They both sang as their voice echoed throughout the cell. Izuku sighed deeply.

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