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Izuku started pulling the rubber bands on his wrist and letting it go after creating at least 2inches away from his skin, making a harsh pitch sound which caused his skin to turn red as he winced a little and sighed relieving from the sting he felt.

"Not enough..." Izuku muttered before snapping the rubber band on to his skin more harshly several times before he noticed that his skin was thin-- thin enough to make a small cut.

Izuku pulled the rubber band further to his skin and snapping it. Blood started dripping slowly from his wrist. Izuku smiled at his creation. Everyone may think that it's painful but for him, it's what he call a 'stress reliever' izuku never had the chance to cut since the league had it done for him.

He has gotten used to the experiments and all, and as time passed by he liked the feeling. Izuku never liked violence-- well maybe up until now. But it doesn't seem like he had a choice anyways.

Izuku never wants, want or even wanted to cuss, it reminded him of the times he got bullied, he got mistreted by the netizens and all the shoutings from the league. It triggers and anger him so much, he doesn't want it-- he doesn't like it. But what choice does he have? Nothing. Literally, N O T H I N G.

he stared at the few lines on his wrist, only one line had a cut and the rest were just lines created by the rubber band. Izuku didn't bothered wiping it. He just lets it dry down and sleep.


Katsuki is about to walk towards the elevator but was stopped by Jirou.

"Don't even think about it. He says he doesn't want anyone to disturb him at the moment. Let the angel rest." Jirou said slightly glaring at Katsuki who only glared back.

He left with a small 'tsk' and proceeded on entering the elevator. 'Doesn't want to disturb, huh? Fuck you Deku. You better open up your door or i'll force it to open-- or maybe i'll just break it, yeah that'll be fine.' Katsuki thought to himself. He knew that Izuku had a problem running in his mind. Izuku was foolish to think that Katsuki didn't noticed the fake smiles the the greenette was giving and plastering.

Bitch, he grew up with the blonde. Of course he knows what's running on the broccoli dude's brain. Not to sound like a stalker or anything--- he just knew Izuku too well, to the point that he even knows the schedule of him wearing All might boxers.

That's disgusting but, Katsuki feels special if there's something about the greenette that only HE knows. Not his mother, not All might, not anyone, just HIM. only KATSUKI FUCKING BAKUGOU.

Katsuki knocked on the door harshly making the other person inside flinch.
"WHO IS IT??!?!" Katsuki almost flinched when he heard Izuku shout almost growling.

"IT'S KACCH--BAKUGOU!!" Katsuki stuttered, he almost exposed himself. Phew, thank god that he's still a speedy bitch. Maybe even a bit faster than sonic Iida.

"Kacchan??" He heard the greenette mutter before hearing a 'come in' Katsuki didn't wasted another time and opened the door and slid himself inside.

He closed the door behind him before creating a small 'click' since he locked it.
Izuku had his psycho expression on his face, he was still sleepy and it slipped his mind that he's in the heroes' grounds making him widen his eyes when he saw the blonde.

"Tell me what the fuck happened to you. You never shouted to me like that when i knocked on your door ages ago." Katsuki raised an eyebrow and dragged himself to sit at the corner of the greenette's bed.

Izuku sighed before rubbing his eyes. "I'm sorry... I was just so used to pretend like i'm a psychopath so that the villains wouldn't suspect me of anything. I'm sorry about that Kacchan." Izuku apologized before scooting over to the blonde and laid on his stomach as he hugged the blonde's waist.

He's still a little-- how should i say this... His head isn't thinking straight since he just woke up. (Kung sa tagalog, it's called:sabog) Katsuki had his eyes widen. It's been a long time since Izuku cuddled up to him like that.

Like seriously, it has been over almost a decade, but nonetheless he still likes the feeling. It just brings back the memories where Izuku liked the feeling of someone else's warmth, Izuku loved being hugged and cuddled. Katsuki cleared his throat before pulling the greenette who only whined.

"Shut up, Deku." Katsuki said as he laid down on Izuku's bed with a pillow underneath his head. Katsuki stretched his arms to the sides and tapped his biceps with his other hand.

Izuku got the message and laid his head on Katsuki's arm snuggling against the blonde.
He's on the edge part of the bed since Izuku loves being on the other side close to the wall. Katsuki sighed looking at the asleep broccoli in his arms before making himself comfortable and cuddled the greenette.

Katsuki placed his other leg in between Izuku's and his other leg on top of Izuku's other leg. So i'm basically saying that he tangled their legs together. Not a literal tangle but you know what i mean.

Katsuki knew that there was something that was bothering the greenette, but seeing Izuku with tired eyes and dropping body he knew that Izuku is completely tired, either emotionally or physically. It's not's BOTH.

He just made himself shut up letting the greenette rest on his arms peacefully.
He wouldn't admit that he missed the warmth Izuku would give him everytime they would cuddle each other. He would NEVER admit that he cared for the greenette. he wouldn't admit that he missed Izuku. And he would NEVER EVER admit to anyone that he love, loved, loves and continously loving the greenhead.

'Even if you look like a fuckhead, i just can't bring myself to unlove you. Seriously Deku, what's with you to make me fall for you HARD? What's with you to make me go head over heels for you? No shit sherlock.'


Morning came in and Izuku was the first one to wake up. It's currently 5:49 in the morning, it's barely dawn and Izuku felt the urge to throw up. Izuku gently untangled himself off from Katsuki who's still asleep.

He went outside his dorm to go to the bathroom, he quickly made his way to a door and threw up on the toilet. He gagged everything, from the breakfast at the Bakugou's household to the lunch he ate yesterday. He didn't ate dinner last night--- which is confusing.

He's already used to starve himself to death and could live without eating or feeling ill for a month, but this time... He doesn't know why he threw up. Do guys also have morning sickness or what?

He felt his stomach empty and thought that he's already done. Well his intestines are being a bitch as he ended up throwing up blood. Izuku tried to be more quiet not wanting to wake the others up.

Once he was done, he flushed the toilet and grabbed a tissue. He wiped the remaining blood om his mouth and dropped the paper on to the trash bin, he opened the bathroom's faucet and gargled the water inside his mouth before spitting it out.

Izuku felt like he wanted to pass out but luckily he's used to this kind of scenarios. It happens everytime, wether he wants it or not.

Izuku left the bathroom and went to the kitchen to find anything to eat. 'It's a new life, i should be taking this stuffs for granted before i continue my plan.' Izuku thought to himself.he knows that everything is temporary, his situation right now is temporary. And all he gotta do is enjoy it while it lasts.

"Hey." Izuku was startled to see Tokoyami and darkshadow on a stool.

"H-hey, i didn't know that you guys were awake." Izuku said scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah... I saw and heard what you did, don't worry i'll keep it a secret if you don't want to tell them. If you want something to eat, i toasted a bread in the toaster for you. Dark shadow also made you some milk to fill you up." Tokoyami said rubbing his eyes a little.

Izuku beamed him a smile. "Thank you so much." Izuku is thankful indeed. Tokoyami is the type of person who likes the dark but loves comforting people in a simple way.

Izuku knew that Tokoyami is very much caring since he have to deal with darkshadow's naughtiness everytime. 'He's going to be a great dad, someday.' Izuku thought to himself before smiling genuinely

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