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Katsuki charged towards the door, but luckily it didn't broke.

"Sound." Detective Tsukauchi ordered as the officer nodded activating the sound system, so that they would know and hear on what their talking about.

"YOU LITTLE BASTARD!!" Katsuki knocked the table over startling the sleeping boy who immidietly looked up.

"Ka--" he was interrupted when katsuki turned around and forcefully threw his bag on Izuku.

"HOW THE HELL DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN?!?!" Katsuki screamed making Izuku chuckle awkwardly.

"C-can i n-not answer that?" Katsuki glared at the greenette before grabbing his collar.

"I hate you, dipshit!" Izuku laughed capturing some of the female heroes' hearts.

Izuku gently removed Katsuki's hands from his collar and encircled his arms around the blonde's neck. "Well i'm sorry kacchan but the feeling isn't mutual." Izuku laughed genuienly again. Katsuki just turned his face on the crook of Izuku's neck feeling flustered.

"hHAHAHHAHA Bakubro! You a softie for little greenhead huh?!" Sero laughed pointing at Katsuki who immidietly pulled away from the hug and raised his middle finger.

Izuku just held Katuski's arm and calmed him. He doesn't know how to explain that it worked but he likes it.

"Hey tape arms, electric boy."
Izuku greeted the two with a smirk.
The heroes who were watching was surprised. They didn't know that the three of them would casually talk to each other.

"Oh-- !! Shinsou-kun! Hi, how are you?" The heroes were once again surprised a that the Villain and purple head know each other.

"Midoriya-san, hello." Shinsou greeted wirh a small smile.

"You knew each other? Really? I thought this sleepless jerk was just bluffing." Izuku glared at Katsuki.

"That's not nice kacchan." Izuku rolled his eyes.

"Yea, we actually met a few months ago. He figured out that i didn't drank the serum and talked to me. And hey, i'm here now. You said you wanted me to come if this happens." The heroes and the other three students looked at him confused.

"What he meant is... I already expected you three to barge in here, and of course i told him that and asked him to come with you guys. I really really want to cooperate with the pros...but... I'm just uncomfortable answering their questions open mindedly. I just want to answer them without worrying about anything, that's why i asked Shinsou-kun to use his quirk on me so i could answer them with ease. Since i'll unconsciously answer, i won't have to think and see what your reactions." Izuku explained making the others nod before realizing that the greenette must've went through something terrible to the point that he don't want to even talk about nor him even want to hear it.

The Detective and other pros barged in looking at the greenette with wide eyes.
"So... You were just waiting for them?!" Detective Tsukauchi asked. The greenette smiled softly.

"Yep, took them long enough huh?" He said smugly earning a smack from Katsuki.

"ARE YOU SAYING THAT I'M A SLOWPOKE HAGGGHHH?! NERD!!" Izuku only rubbed his nape and chuckled.

"Let's get this started shall we? But... I want to ask a favor. I want all of us to talk 'privately' no pipsqueak interrupting,eavesdropping, no villains can hear especially the League and All for one. And remove these cuffs later, i need to do something. I'm sure that i'll be answering where the bodies and blablablah, i need to make an illusion so that the league and all for one wouldn't know that i'm stabbing their back. Understood?! And don't worry, i'll only use it on the League, i'm already at my weakstate so rest assured that i won't be using my quirk on any of you guys. Shinsou-kun! You look pretty."

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