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"So you still haven't told me what happened." Katsuki muched on his food wiping some left overs on Izuku's lips.

"Hmm... I don't actually know, after i woke up, my body felt... Light? I felt like all the pain in my body vanished into thin air. But you know what's strange?"


"When i was asleep i think i felt someone touched my cheeks and... It was soft! I felt like a butterfly stood up and after that, i felt peaceful."

"That really is weird."

"I know!" Izuku started coughing since some of the food passed through his esophagus really fast making it tickle him.

Katsuki sighed already expecting that to happen. The blonde passed the greenette his water bottle which Izuku gladly accepted.

He gulped down the water but then spit it out when he heard a loud thud from the door.

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL NERD?!" Katsuki complained when he felt his pants wet from the water Izuku spits out.

"What the heck?!" The blonde looked towards the door, only to see both of his parents, All might and Nezu.

"U-uh... Hey..??" Izuku stuttered waving a little.

"My my... Izuku honeyyy!" Mistuki ran towards Izuku and hugged him gently.

"A-auntie?? Oh my god..." Izuku hugged back, and after a few seconds Mistuki pulled away.

"How are you auntie?"

"Brat! I should be the one to ask you that. Are you feeling okay? Does anywhere hurt? Tell me you you're not suffocating." The greenette immidietly shooked his head with a smile.

"No no no, i actually feel like i'm a lot better." Izuku turned to the others as he met eyes with All might.

"Young Midoriya..."

"All might! Hi! It's been a while huh?" All might chuckled before engulfing the little one into a hug which Izuku returned.

"It's been a while indeed."

"So how did this happen?" Masaru asked thinking that it wasn't very necessary for Izuku to heal in just 2 days.

"Apperantly, some myterious human healed this peace of shit." Katsuki tidied his lunchbox and stood up from the bed.

"Really?? Did you see his/her face?" Nezu asked making Izuku shook his head as a response.

"That doesn't matter anymore, Izuku you're all healed up!" Mitsuki said smiling warmly at the greenette.



"What the... All his broken bones, injuries and such so are all... Healed, as if a ray of healing sparkles hit them." The doctor breathlessly said making the others widen their eyes.

"Y-you mean ALL of them?" All might asked with his-still-widen-eyes.

The doctor nodded making the other hitch their breaths. Except Izuku since he's asleep.

"I think he can even run like a ninja now." The doctor joked making Masaru, Nezu and Mitsuki chuckle.

"So... He's okay with bring discharged today?" Katsuki asked since he was so impatient the moment he left Izuku's room.

"Yes, by now he's fully rested but you also need him to participate some excercises since he's been laying on that bed for months. It must've caused some soreness and aches around his body. I'll also add some vitamins as his medication."

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