Fourty-Nine+Face reveal

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"30 minutes before executing the plan. Get ready. We need to do this as quiet as possible." Endeavor said through his earpiece where everyone-- i mean EVERYONE including class 1A, the people deku saved, deku's mother, they even hired some wanted vigilantes to help them including stain and the motherfucking pros.

(I feel like giving endeavor a line. He did a pretty good job in the manga, so...yea.)

Everyone will be having a surprise attack. By now the pros knows that the league is plainly relaxing right now, but NOT ANYMORRR

"Sir!! Kasuke escaped!" A police officer yelled and barged inside the room.

All eyes were widened. That motherfucker.
If you guys are wondering who Kasuke is. It's the carbon make up copy and pretended to be Izuku Midoriya.

"Shit! No no no. It was all going well!" Present mic said pulling up fists of his hair. Aizawa softly held Present mic's hand and rubbed circles on the back of the blonde's palm.

"It's okay. Just calm down. Panicking won't give us any benifits." Aizawa said not laying an eye on present mic, instead he just stared at the other pros.

"Aizawa's right. Panickng won't do us any good. Let's remain calm." Nezu said who had his chest cross a bullet bag strips, a hand gun and a mini missile launcher.

Yes. The rat is also ready to kick some filthy ass..

"Alright. We've got 21 minutes to tidy up. Get yo asses in and kick some balls!" Midnight cheered smirking victoriously

This night will be satan's temporary living room..
"Aizawa-sensei finally adopted you, huh?" Shouji asked Shinsou who requested that he wants to join too.

"Yep." Shinsou replied fixing his scarf to it's place.

"How does it feel to be adopted by a pro?" Mineta asked bringing his eyebrows up and down with a malicous look on his face.

"Stop your shits. But to answer your question, it's okay... I guess." Shinsou responded slightly glaring at Mineta who looked away, whistling innocently.

After hearing about Izuku's condition. He immidietly went towards his pops and complained that he wasn't informed about the matter.

Shinsou was definately pissed off, but luckily he didn't snapped at Aizawa. Because bitch, that'll be a dick move for you. He was aware of how Aizawa reacts to kids when they snap at their elders.

And trust me, it's not a paradise for you.

"Aizawa just informed me. Kasuke escaped." Iida said checking his phone while talking.

Heads turned towards him with sharp glares.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! OH HELL NAW! IMMA KILL THAT BITCHTARD!" Katsuki who was ready to kick some ass was suddenly held back by Kaminari and Kirishima.

"Chill, man..if we act recklessly, we might be or mostly likely-- put Midobro in danger. Think about it." Kirishima said.

"Exactly. We must stick to the original plan or else all of us including the whole city will be in vain." Momo said calmly while prepairing some back-up gadgets that Mei from the support course lent them.

"Acting hastly will never do you good, Bakugou." Todoroki said focusing on tying Momo's hair. (Aw fuck.T~T My single ass can't even relate.)

"Does it hurt?" Todoroki asked softly at Momo who only smiled lovingly.

"No." She answered with a small smile. Mina snapped the two a photo and squealed.

"This will be plastered on my notebook ships!" Mina said while showing Hagakure the picture who only squealed with her.

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