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It has been 4 days since the USJ attack,  the class 1-A moved into the dorms for their safety thinking that they might be targetted by the villains at home.

Katsuki was still unable to sleep as he stared at a polaroid picture in his hand. It was him and Izuku. He regretted the time he hated the boy when he just wanted to help.

He knew he was such a dick and wanted to apologize but his pride has taken the majority of his personality, making him make a distance at Izuku as they started to drift apart.

Every hit and bruise katsuki give Izuku. He wanted to apologize but he just couldnt. Resulting him to bully the poor boy and made Izuku think that he hated him...

"I'm sorry." Katsuki mumbled to himself before placing his arm over his eyes and slept.

"Another 3?! That shithead! I'm really going to kill him!!" Hedge Dog ranted as he slammed his fist in the table making the others flinch but that doesn't lessen the rage they were feeling.

It has only been 5months since that man became the number 1 villain along side with all for one, but their populatiom has dramatically dropped to 3% the villain was without a doubt too cruel to even live.

"What are we supposed to do?! We can't just let him kill more people just as he wished!!" Mt. Lady raised her voice with her brows almost touching each other.

"We need to announce a curfew for all. I don't care if their older ones, but people should be inside their home at 7pm." Nezu seriously said as he stared at the villain's image thinking that the villain was going too far.

"I agree." Midnight agreed as to most of the heroes too.

"The security system at UA should be a lot tighter than usual. We're not sure if the villains might comeback for Aizawa's students. I need a program for identification all around UA, just incase those villains used a portal."


"Dude i had a very weird dream last night!" Sero started as they finished eating their lunch. The squad was alone at their classroom since they finished earlier than the rest.

"What about it?" Mina who was always active when it comes to ✨ tea ✨ asked first.

"I dunno man... But i swear! I saw a pair of green eyes. It was all blurry but i saw his green eyes. I'm not sure why he's in my dreams, who that man is, and what happened to me but i'm having a conclusion that it's a memory of mine." This caught katsuki's attention as he looked at the boy who was beside him.

They were gathered around bakugou's area with a few chairs around him where the individual friends sat..

"What do you mean? Wait... Green?" Kirishima asked genuienly confused.

"Yeah dude, he has green eyes..." The black haired bou responded.

"What was he wearing?" Kaminari asked as he thought that they may have the same dream.

"He was in a... Suit?" Kaminari gasped as his conclusion was right.

"Really?! I had mine too! Though i can't remember his face. But clearly! I saw his eyes were green. And i can't remember if his hair was black? Or just dark green." Kaminari added making sero widen his eyes at his friend.

"Dude! That's what i thought too!"

Bakugou hitched his breath as he knew exactly who their talking to... But, he wasn't sure why. His 'friend' who was now a villain came across with the two boys.

"What do you mean? Wait a... Hold on a fucking second." They all stared at kirishima with furrowed brows.

"What?" The three said in unison while bakugou just kept quiet silently listening to their stories.

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