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Kaminari and the others went back to the hospital with a bag of Mcdonalds in hand. They gave each of them some floats and spaghetties with fries. They also bought chicken nuggets for snacks. You could say that the Bakusquad is pretty much simple but at least they have higher or even much more allowance than you. Yes i'm still on third person :>

Aizawa refused the floats and just ate the fries. The pros, nezu and bakufamily thanked the four except Katsuki who was still staring at the operating room's door and not paying attention to his surroundings. He had his orginal scowl in his face since he's so used to it.

"Bakubro, you need to eat." Katsuki ignored Kirishima's words as he continued to stare at the double glass-semi blurry door with his arms crossed over his chest.

They figured out that Katsuki is not in the mood-- well, he's always not so... Understandable-- they just let Katsuki have his time to process everything, he's still in a breakdown state, even though it wasn't showing on his face the others could easily see it when they saw Katsuki pinching his sleeves while his arms crossed.

Mitsuki knew that she's not a perfect mother for Katsuki but she knows when or why her son is in pain. She knew she's not the best of the best, but she loves her son more than anything in the world-- of course her husband too.

Mitsuki placed her hand on Katsuki's hand  and held it, drawing circles on the back of Katsuki's palm. Her son looked shocked but by the time he realized that it was just his mother he calmed down and closed his eyes.

Moments like these are too rare for Mitsuki, that's why she cherishes it just like how she cherished his first baby walk.

"Eat, son. Izuku will be fine." Mitsuki said making Katsuki let out a small 'tsk'

"You don't know that." Katsuki muttered keeping his eyes closed with the back of his head leaning on to the cold wall.

Mistuki sighed and just let her son be. She knew exactly that the only person that could make him feel better is Izuku. And currently, the greenette is inside the room with full of doctors and in the verge of dying that's why Katsuki doesn't even have enough reason to be calm or even pay attention to his surroundings except think of the greenette.

Masaru once saw how happy his son is when he was with the greenette the time of the blonde and the greentte's childhood. He witnessed how Katsuki would turn everything the greenette would do for him down but only ended up craving for the greenette's attention.

Masaru witnessed how possessive his kid gets when it comes to Izuku. Katsuki always wanted to be Izuku's top priority, Katsuki always wants to be spoiled by Izuku--even though he doesn't show it, he can't hide his feelings from his own parents. Katsuki always wanted Izuku's time and affection all to himself.

There was this one time where Izuku learned about the meaning of being under a mistletoe with someone and tried to do it with Katsuki--who was beside him by the way-- Izuku kissed Katsuki's cheek but ended up getting scolded for doing it wrong. Katsuki kissed Izuku on the lips and that is how Masaru immidietly knew that his son is ✨ G A Y ✨ for a greenette named ✨ I Z U K U ✨

Masaru couldn't help but smile at the sudden flashback. He supports his son to the fullest. If it makes him happy then it's his father's happiness too. And uh... He lowkey kinda ships it.

Although Katsuki doesn't seem to be aware of his feelings for Izuku. He and Mitsuki decided to let their kid and realize it on it's own.

Katsuki on the other hand knows that he wants to settle everything with the greenette, yes he knows that he wants to be more than friends with Izuku but stopped when he realized that he ONLY LIKES him. It wouldn't be necessary to date someone you just LIKE. Sure he feels enthusiastic towards the greenette but that's because he knows that he likes Izuku. He's not oblivous about that fact.

He just can't bring himself to say that he LOVES the greenette when he's not even that sure. (Dumb bitch, why would you want to be more than friends with someone if you just keep on thinking that you only LIKE him. Stupid Katsuki.)

Katsuki wants to confirm it himself. But he'll sometimes be distressed about the fact that he kept thinking if 'does he even like boys?'

It's possible but he's not sure. He grew up with Izuku not being attracted to boys that made him keep awake at night. 'He'll probably reject and laugh at me for being a homo faggot.' Katsuki told himself that, everytime he thinks that Izuku is not gay.

The pros and others didn't seemed to notice that they have already fallen asleep. The four students is cuddling on the cold floor fast asleep, while midnight was cudling on to present muc while present mic is snuggling on to Aizawa.

Mitsuki and Masaru went home to get some stuffs. Nezu is also fast asleep on the chair with Detective Tsukauchi sleeping too. All might, Aizawa and Katsuki were the only ones awake.

It has been 4 hours since they got in the hospital add the fact that it's already 11:37 it's pretty much late already. Aizawa, All might and Katsuki was about to sleep just 5 minutes ago... But suddenly nurses came rushing out of the operating's room. The others didn't seemed to noticed since they were too fast asleep due to tiredness, mental exhaustion and the tardiness of time.

Katsuki was about to ask when a nurse shrugged him off and proceeded to get the equipments needed. They finally got to see what was happening inside the room but they were later on traumatized seeing a lot of blood was spilled everywhere on the floor, the bed, the surgeon's gowms and so much more. The other nurses that came out earlier came back with a lot of equipments seemingly more than earlier.

The door closed and all of that happened five minutes ago, causing them to have their eyes fully open. Katsuki's anxiety keeps growing everytime a flashback of the horrible scenes he witnessed tonight.

Katsuki sighed in annoyance as he closed his eyes shut, starting to curse the hell out of the league and all for one again.

All might couldn't stop worrying about the poor boy, Izuku was pretty messed up but seeing the kid having a life line in front of his eyes fucked his emotions up. All might has never been this close to any of the students nor even teens, that's why he wanted to cherish the kid like a treasure until the day that he dies. All might had never wanted to beat the shit out of someone in a while, that's why he makes sure that the next time he came across all for one, he'll definately beat his ass every fucking milisecond.

Aizawa on the other hand seemed bored but on the inside he keeps worrying about the poor kid. By the looks of it, todays experiment week might have been harder than the other experiment week. The kid looks like he was barely breathing the time they saw him at the abandoned place.

He'll make sure that he'll snap the league and all for one's neck with his scarf. A kid is a kid. A minor is a minor. No matter how tough they may look, every kid needs freedom, happiness and care. The world didn't gave that to Izuku that's why, by the time the kid became a student of his, he'll spoil him... Of course he might not go easy on him, but Aizawa will make sure that Izuku feels that he has someone to count on. 'No one can hurt this child again.'

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