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(This will be the last revelation, and we'll continue the current storyline.)

"I get it now." Midnight said smirking bitterly. Of course they will do that.

"That damn guys are smart." Present mic bluttered out, those damn villains knows how to outsmart someone pretty badly.

"Witty but not clever enough." Detective Tsukauchi mumbled, it was pretty much clear that the villains weren't good at being careful. It hasn't even been a week and theu already knew on what's happening.

"So are we just gonna sit here and insult their stupid asses?" Aizawa said. His dad--ehem! Teacher instincts are starting to kick in again.he's starting to panic mentally-- thinking that the villains probably found out about Izuku backstabbing them.

"Wow. Look at you go." Midniggt sarcastically said to Aizawa who only rolled his eyes. (Damn, why am i even letting a dead person talk? :0 sorry... Rip midnight. Kdhvdd)

"Shut up."

"I'm gonna kill them." All might seriously said, anger was lacing through his voice. Izuku could've been injured severely right now, and for the second time around... He couldn't help.

"That's not how it works." Gran torino who was actually worried about some kid for once in his life, joined All might after hearing about what happened.

"I don't care, i'm gonna kill them. I'm gonna smash their skulls into pieces." All might said already cracking his knuckles-- prepaired to go plus ultra and smash their sorry asses.

"Never knew you had it in you." Aizawa borwdly said, suddenly intereated as to what the mighty All might could do for the boy.

" never mess with that child with this father-figure on his side." All might said giving glares at the picture on his table.

"Don't forget about me too!!" Present mic boomed out with a fist in the air.

"Let's go killing spree aye?" Midnight said with enthusiasm

"AYE!" All might, Nezu, Detective Tsukauchi,  Midnight and present mic yelled.

Gran torino and Aizawa was so done with them but they still managed to mumble a small "aye.."

By now the Class 1A hasn't been informed about the carbon-but also-not so-carbon-copy of their Izuku. Nezu found out that Izuku left some clues before disappearing as if the greenette already predicted the future.

'Smartass..' Aizawa thought to himself feeling a little proud that Izuku was his student.

"So! The file that the fake Midoriya-kun stole  was made by the original Midoriya-kun. Meaning he already knew that someone will come to collect those files. He made an opposite version of the files that were stolen." Nezu explained while the others listened.

"What do you mean by 'opposite' version? And where's the original file?"  Kamui woods asked raising his index and middle finger quote in the air to emphasize the word 'opposite'.

"It means Midoriya-kun wrote the files with our strenth written as our weaknesses and our weaknesses were written as our strength. He also left me a code as to when or how we should plan our attack if the situation in our school is getting out of control. He kept the orginal file inside my secret vault, which i don't know how he found it, but nonetheless it's there to keep the file safe." Nezu said pausing for a second with a smirk on his face.

"And Original Midoriya-kun was also the one who put the fake files in the cabinet to lure the fake midoriya-kun out and that leads us to his next clue." Nezu continued. The heroes that were present in the meeting felt their lips agape with awe.

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