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A few moments after, Mrs. And Mr. Bakugou came in rushing towards them. Mitsuki immidetly ran towards Katsuki and smacked his head making Katsuki growl at her.




"L-let's all calm down, shall we? Honey please refrain yourself from speaking too loud." Masaru interrupted his family soothing the both of them, although it doesn't seemed to be working on Katsuki who only made a scowling face.

"Good evening Ma'am. Are you perhaps related to Midoriya-kun?" Nezu who was almost stressed at the shouting saga then said.

"Izuku? Oh no no no no, i'm his mother's best friend. Katsuki here grew up with him in childhood. So basically, i'm his second not-so legal guardian." Mitsuki was rubbing Katsuki's hair while Katsuki continued with his angry pomeranian face and avoided everyone's gaze. He's too embarrased to even make an eye contact.

Aizawa eyed Katsuki. So... The two of them were childhood friends huh? Aizawa already doubted the villain making friends with his hero students, but katsuki bakugou. Who was almost very explosive everyday, his student who seemed to have a bad childhood, who seemed to be good at pushing everything away, grew up with the green headed 'villain' not only that, they were actually best friends.

"What a cliché story." Aizawa thought and smiled to himself a little. He observed the way the blonde and greenette interacted with each other on the station. The both of them (izuku&katsuki) knew exactly to themselves that neither of them would want to just stay as 'friends' and that is something Aizawa knows about, he could read the two like an opened book.

He could literally see through them, the way they stare at each other, the way the both of them would look at each other's eyes with admiration, Aizawa knew that the both of them liked each other. He knew exactly what it feels like to be inlove.
And that is exactly what he sees, he's not cupid or something but... 'They kinda looked good together.'

Green and Red doesn't always look good nor even suit one another, it'll only end up with a darker colour. It's not perfect, it's not light but... It's not bad. They're an exemption. An exemption made by god himself.

Aizawa was never the shipper type but 'they're made for each other. I just know it.' He thought to himself before looking at his husband... Which is hisashi aka present mic.

Aizawa looked at Katsuki that was staring back at the operating room's door
With a blank expression. He always had the same look everytime he gets worried. And that's easy for Aizawa to read since Tsunderes know how to read each other without even having a consent of wanting to be read.

Yea, Aizawa admits it. He's a fucking TSUNDERE. Not the violent type but still a Tsundere.

"Well... I've been really curious, where's midoriya-kun's mom anyway?" Nezu once again asked making Mitsuki silent.

"The thing is... Inko actually disappeared the same time Izuku did. Well not really, after their disappearance, rumors started about them having suicide." Mitsuki answered feeling grimaced towards police officials.

Detective Tsukauchi furrowed his eyebrows as well as the other. "Suicide? Ah! Pardon me. Let's take a seat first." Mitsuki and Masaru agreed having themselves seated at a metal hospital chair.

Kaminari and the other three decided that they should get food for the rest and left the hospital. The pros gave them permission so they did.

"So... Mind telling us the story?" All might asked the blonde woman feeling uneasy.

Mitsuki smiled a little and nodded. "Actually... After their disapppearance for the first 24 hours, we reported it to the police shits. The investigation went further and further, but at the end of the day... They just made a conclusion that Inko and Izuku died from suicide. Those fuckers. They just based the evidence they found on Izuku's books, which was full of suicidal thoughts by the way. And from that day onwards, they closed the case leaving it as an operation suicidal family." Mitsuki balled her hands into a fist, she knew that it wasn't because of suicide or something shits. She knew exactly what happens and happened on inko's daily life.

And she's pretty much sure that Inko is not a suicidal type of person. Izuku is but that doesn't make Inko do. She hated the police for giving up by just closing the case with a result of suicide, heck they didn't even tried! And after that, the bakugou family started gathering their own evidence to prove that the two Midoriya's didn't die because of 'suicide'

The pros doesn't know how to respond. First of all, who was incharge of the case? They didn't seemed to know nor even encounter such case before, not even Detective Tsukauchi.

Second, the way Mistuki said those with full of hatred made them guilty, they could've done something but they didn't. Nezu kept his calm expression which everyone can read anyways, thought of a plan and wanted to sue the person incharge of the case.

Izuku's family hadn't had the justice they deserved. "Also, the bodies weren't found anywhere. The policebitches said that they could've jumped on the beach or some sort of bullshits. And fuck them!! They didn't even tried to find their bodies if they were correct!! They were just too lazy to even try their best!" Mitsuki ranted as she cried on her husband's shoulder. She already lost her bestfriend once, and seeing that her bestfriend's son is here, she won't let the younger greenette to be hurt again.

"I'm really sorry about that, but... May i ask who was incharge of the case? And when did the Midoriyas disappear?" Midnight asked Mitsuki who only balled her fist but still answered.

"I don't remember, but i heard they call him detective Tsukauchi. And it happened 10 months ago."

The pros looked at the detective with their eyebrows on fleek.

"Wha-- me???! I don't remember handling such case before?" Detective defended himself which made Mistuki and Masaru raise their eyebrows.

"You're Detective Tsukauchi?" Masaru asked. The detective hesitantly nodded.

"Wait... How come you're so different from before?" Mitsuki pointed out.

Nezu already had a conclusion in mind but still wanted to make sure. "I'm sorry ma'am but i don't think i've seen you before." Detective Tsukauchi said pointng out a fact.

"And i haven't seen you too before. Wait... If you're the Detective Tsukauchi then... Who was that tall man with stitches?" Mitsuki's words almost came out as a whisper. Luckily, the others still managed to hear it.

"Stitches? Looks like someone's got framed." Nezu pointed out making the other look at him with surprise.

"Those damn villains..." Aizawa spitted out of annoyance. He is pissed alright. I mean, boi... Who wouldn't?

"Bullshit... I'm really going to kill them." Danger started lacing on Mistuki's voice as she balled her fists once again.

Katsuki on the other hand was quiet but he was listening to the conversation. 'Those asshole fucker, burned line potato rotten motherfuckers, burnt sugar bitches and ugly looking duck and motherbullshits bitchtards.' Was the only thing Katsuki had in mind. He started cursing the villains to death as if his life depends on it.

Too far... The vila-bitch-ins went too far. Katsuki is planning a salvage operation to sue every one of the leagues and Izuku's asshole of a father. Everyone told him that his personality suits a villain and didn't cared about it a single bit, but he seemingly liking the idea of being a villain to avenge Izuku and Inko.

Katsuki has always been a bad boy, but... It's not that bad to be a criminal once right?
If he ever got the chance to kill All for one and the Leagues in his hands but got arrested after? He'll be willingly or even proudly shout to the whole world that 'killing that fuckers is the best day of my life'

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