Thirty-Five (35)

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It's already past midnight. Izuku woke up. He felt like someone's watching his every move. It hasn't been a week but he can already sense the chaos.

Morning classes started and it's already Izuku's 3rd day of being a yuuei student.
His classmates left since he said he still has something to do and he'll just rush towards their classroom after finishing.

Katsuki knew there's something bothering the greenette. last night the greenette was rather jumpy. He's obviously on edge.

But knowing the greenette he'll tell him-- just not any time soon. It may take a while for the greenette to open up for Kastuki but all he has to do is wait and be patient. He knew that pushing Izuku to tell something he's not ready to yet, he'll end up not wanting to tell that person-- or even open up.

Morning session has started with Aizawa, and almost 13 minutes later the door flung open revealing a very distressed Izuku.

"What happened to you?" Aizawa asked Izuku.

"N-nothing... I just saw a snake earlier shit." Izuku lied placing a hand over his chest gasping heavily.

Aizawa and his students knew that it was a lie, they are NOT borrowing that pityful excuse. But they decided to just let it slide not wanting the greenette to go villain mode on them.

Izuku plopped himself on his seat and crossed his arms on top of the table and leaned in placing his head on his arms and closed his eyes.

'Relax... Relax... It's nothing Izuku... Just... Relax.', izuku promptly started convincing himself that everything is fine and lied to himself imagining nice stuffs he always like, covering the negative thoughts that keeps rampaging in his head.

Morning class ended as the students got up from their seats since the bell already rang, indicating that it's lunch time.

Izuku ended up sleeping through out the whole class letting himself enter his blissful dream to escape the frightning thoughts that kept running inside his head.

He couldn't take it anymore and just bolted straightly ip to his seat and started laughing like a maniac. He felt like the league was the one who's responsible for the 'being watched' things.

"Ah~ am i about to go killing spree?" Izuku told himself ('ya know how villain deku laughs right? Right.)

"Oh my god~ that's a great idea!" Izuku muttered once again even though no one asked him he pretended to be a maniac.

If he wants the villains to trust him, he gotta act. And that's the first mistake he did today. He's not in the league's hide out.

As soon as he realized what he did and where he is, he looked passed around him seeing the terrified looks on his classmates' faces.

"I---" izuku was left speechless not knowing what to say.

"What was that...?" Hagakure breathlessly said.

Izuku started breathing heavily as he started snapping the rubber band on his wrist. Katsuki immidietly stood up in action and kneeled infront of him stopping the greenette from hurting himself further.

"Calm down... It's okay.. It's okay... Close your eyes." Izuku obliged as he felt Katsuki hug him dearly.

"Name 3 things you like." Katsuki said in a soothing voice.

"Katsudon, figurines and aesthetics."

"Alright... Name a color you liked the most."

"Red..." Izuku started calming down as he returned the hug..

"That's right... You got it baby... Alright, open your eyes. Tell me three things you see." Katsuki pulled away and saw Izuku slowly open his eyes and wondered around.

"Classmates... Chairs... And Kacchan." Izuku said making Katsuki smile at the greenette.

"There you go. Now let me get those rubber bands off you." Katsuki gently held Izuku wrist and lightly pulled the rubber bands off him.

"Mind telling me what happened?" Katsuki said placing the rubber bands on his pockets slightly rubbing circles on the slight red area on Izuku's wrist caused by the snapping rubber bands.

Izuku felt safe and contented with just Katsuki being gentle towards him.

"I'm sorry... It's just that.... I have to pretend that i'm a crazy-- psycho shit whenever i'm near the villains to earn their trust." Katsuki felt his heart broken by the response and so as their classmates.

They could feel their heart sting a little just by seeing the sad look on the greenette's face, it's like seeing a precious flower wither.

It's so unfair that they couldn't do anything to make Izuku feel better. He deserved everything-- heck he deserved the world.
They're lucky that they ended up being happy throughout their lives and there's Izuku almost sacrificing his life for others--- almost getting tortured every 5 minutes.

It's something a 15 year old shouldn't experience. They'll try-- no.. They will spoil the greenette, because that's what he deserves... That's what he needed and needs.

"Do you want something?" Kaminari asked Izuku who was dead silent throughout their walks up until they were seated on their usual spots which is in the middle part of the cafeteria.

Izuku immidietly snapped from his thoughts and looked at Kaminari with a tired and dead look on his face. Izuku forced a smile which twitched a few times before having that small smile on his lips.

"J-just... A juice would be fine." Izuku replied as he avoided making eye contact with the electric blonde while fiddling with his fingers on his lap underneath the table.

Katsuki only watched Izuku on the corner of his eyes and sighed, staying silent, listening to Izuku's groggy voice. It sounds good but knowing that behind those tones hides the worst anxieties makes Katsuki's heart break into pieces.

"Do you wanna go to the dorms, Midoriya? I can make an excuse slip for you." Iida suggested, obviously worried for the greenette.

Izuku smiled a little waving his hand a little. "No no no no. It's fine. I'm just-- thinking things. Nothing serious!" Izuku beamed giving them his famous closed-eye smile.

"You don't need to push yourself too much. You also need a break, if you're tired then rest. You need it too you know?" Shouji said passing on a glass of water to Todoroki who he tilted his head as a sign to pass it on to Izuku.

Izuku took the glass and thanked them. "It's fine, rea~lly! No need to worry about me!" They decided to keep silent and just let the greenette go. For now.

Izuku is definately hiding something from them. But if the greenette doesn't want them to know- then they should respect that. They won't butt in unless his act is getting out of hand.

"Oh look! Isn't it the VILLAIN again!"

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