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"I still doubt it." Hedge Dog let out a short growl staring at the principal.

"That's what the two boys said, we told the both of them to update us if something new appeared in their dreams."midnight remarked massaging her temple after recieving a head ache after the revolution of the two students.

" maybe they were just hallucinating. That can't be true. That villain? Would do something good? Don't make me laugh." Endeavor chuckled humorlessly thinking that it was ridiculous that the villain who killed thousands of people would do that, especially towards a student.

Detective Tsukauchi's phone rang making the heroes look at him. "Excuse me." He took the phone call and went on to the crooked side of the room.

It was one of his co-worker. "What is it?" The detective asked with manner.

"Sir! We found a person who went missing a month ago." The detective's eyes widened.

"What?!" His voice raised making the pros look at him with a confused expression.
The detective cleared his throat. Telling the officer on the other line to continue.

"I was actually surprised that he was healthy, some bruises were healing. And... When i talked to him and asked if he was one of the missing people he quickly covered my mouth." The detective furrowed his eyes in confusion..

"Escort him here in UA, i'll interview him along with the pros."

"On it, detective."

The detective ended the call making his way back to his seat. "What was it?" Mirko asked the detective who had his thoughts in a rampaging mess..

"One of the missing persons was found, but... My co-worker told me that the man was actually quite healthy, he told my co-worker to shut up so i decided to interview him thinking that it has something connected to deku." The detective explained as the pros nodded silently..

They proceeded with their meeting when suddenly a knock on the door was heard.
They expected who it was as detective tsukauchi told the person to come in.

The door revealed three cops with a shaking man in the middle. He had a small bandage on his forehead and scratches.

They offered him a seat which the man hesitantly took.."what do you want from me?" The shaking man asked as he stared at the floor not wanting to make an eye contact with any of the heroes.

"You went missing a month ago right?" Detective Tsukauchi asked the shivering man..

"Yes and so what?"

"Have you met a certain villain called... Deku?" The man's eyes widened as he shook his head desparately..



"Mister, I have a truth quirk. So lying to me would be useless." The detective glared at the man who trembled even more.

Even though he wasn't looking he knew that the detective was glaring at him and most of the heroes too..

"I- i can't..." The man mumbled making hedge dog fume in anger.

"What do you mean you can't?! This is a serious matter!!! You do realize that many people will continue to die if you don't cooperate!!!" Hedge Dog shouted at the man who has been sweating bullets even if the room was air conditioned.

"Did he threaten to kill you if you said a word?" Crust asked the man who shooked his head..

They waited for the detective's response as he nodded at the pros telling that the man wasn't lying.

"So you're doing this to cover that murderer up?!?!" He flinched when he heard kamui woods' remark.

"Please just cooperate with us. We're doing this to save a lot of people. To prevent them form being killed." Midnight said softly not wanting to scare the man than he already is.

"I'm really sorry i can't... His... All his hard work will come to a waste if i tell you!" The man shouted making the pros look at him with pure confusion.

"What do you mean hard work?" Nezu asked the man as he stopped fiddling with his sign pen.

"You're covering that villain up aren't 'ya?!"
Kamui woods repeated his words as the man trembling snapped.

"He's not a murderer! He's trying to he--" the man quickly stopped himself by covering his own mouth.

"What? What do you mean not a murderer?! He killed dozens of people! Are you blind?! Deaf?!" Present mic yelled making them cover their ears. Aizawa held his husband's arm trying to calm him down.

"I'm sorry, but i really can't tell anything."
Yoroi Musha almost attacked the man but luckily, some of the heroes stopped him.

They asked more questions but none of them were answered by the man as he was completely quiet.

"Fine we won't ask you questions anymore." The detective sighed in defeat. He knew that the man wouldn't talk but he still  have to stay at their custody.

"Please... Just please... Don't announce this in public, i know my family is very worried about me, but when everything is finally settled i'll come back to them... I'm doing this for him, please... Just... Trust him." They heard the man mumbled. Their curiousity grew more as to they heard that word again.

'Trust' they heard that word again for the second time. First from what Aizawa said, and now this.

The male heroes scoffed as the female pros started to doubt the villain, they don't know if it's in a good or bad way.

The cops escorted the man out as the pros recieved a headache from the talk, most of them were frustrated and some were thinking as to why would deku keep the man alive.

Luck wasn't on their side so they couldn't think of any.

A moment of silence came in but was broken when a man barged inside the room.

"Snipe... What are you doing here? Shoudn't you be at your break today?" Crust asked the man who was gasping for air.

"It's done! It's done!" Snipe said.

"What's done?" Asked Mt. Lady who only stared at him with confusion.

"The bullet!" The pros frowned at the hero.

"If it's not useful then don't bother to tell us." Ryuku said as she already knows the fact that snipe was obssessed with bullets.

Snipe ruffled his own hair taking a seat next to crust.

"You don't understand! It's a programmed bullet. I made a serum that will spread all over a body and... Well?? We can see what that infected person can see!!" He explained feeling proud of himself and his creation.

He even thought that he was almost as intelligent as nezu for creating that idea and making it in hand.

"How is that even possible?" Midnight asked snipe who still find his 'creation' unbelievable.

"Chemestry ft. Tech. 'Ya know?! It's some kind of an electric venom. It wasn't fully liquid but it will stay on to it's wounds before spreading around it's body to fully infect the person. It took me 3 months to do that! And i only have a tinie winnie bit of it, so... Uhhh, it only covered one bullet."
Snipe explained once again acting his words.

Detective Tsukauchi squinted his eyes at snipe. "So... You're gonna have to... Shoot Deku?" Snipe nodded in excitement.

"How long will it last?" Hedge Dog asked.

"Just uhh... 20 minutes." Ryuku glared at snipe before smacking his head.

"Dimwit, you created something that only lasts after a few minutes? That wasn't even close to half an hour!"

"Hey! That's criticism! I'm not as intelligent as nezu okay?! At least we'll know what he does before, during and after a crime."

Nezu nodded thinking it was useful after all.
"Let's use it."

Most of the heroes agreed but slightly disappointed that it'll only last a few minutes.

Trust Me (Bkdk) (Villain Deku Au) Where stories live. Discover now