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The group who was assigned to check the area with Ryuku leading the way walked towards the said place.

"Are you sure that place exists?" Hawks who kept on pestering the other pros with his questions asked again..

"How many times do i have to tell you? It's true, now shut the fuck up, hot wings." Hawks gasped dramatically at what Ryuku said to him.

"I am OFFENDED." Hawks replied, emphasizing the last word.

"That's the point." Ryuku smirked when she saw the annoyed face of the happy go lucky hawks as they continued walking.

Silence filled them, as they continued to walk with the night crickets chirping with ease. It wasn't their first time to go on a 'mission' at night, i mean... It's pretty casual for pros. But this time they had to go underground in a fucking CEMETERY!

"This place is creepy." Mirko brushed her arms with her palms as she stared at her surroundings.

"It is a cemetery." Mt. Lady was also creeped out at how silent their surroundings was. They could even hear an owl's hoot, and it was NOT helping.

"I remember my mom told me that... There's this stairs that leads you to an underground tunnel, so... Let's find it first." Ryuku said as she ordered the other pros to spread around the area and find the goddamn stairs.

"Are you sure that there's a stair in here? We've been looking for it for half an hour now, and we still find nothing." Hawks complied fanning himself with his feathers.

"Are you sure that, that place is true? I mean... You did said that it was almost forgotten, maybe it's just a myth or smth." Crust said looking at his surroundings.

"Oh my god i need water!" Hawks said as he dramatically slid down on a boulder filled with moss.

And yes, this is much likely one of those cliché movies where there's a hidden button and a stair/tunnel will be seen at the inner side of the boulder.

"Way to go Hawks! Let's go!" Mt. Lady energetically said as she was about to step inside but realized that it was pitch black.

She immidietly jumped backwards and hid behind Mirko. "It's scary, shit... I wished kamui woods is here." She didn't expected to say those outloud.

The pros except endeavor and crust looked at her with a teasing gaze. "Ooooohh Mt. Lady has crush on, who was that? Oh right! A charming man named KA-MU-I WOODS." Mt. Lady glared at Hawks with her cheeks heating up.

"Shut up hot wings, don't let me turn you into a meal."

"But i already am a meal... And an exotic one." The female pros looked at the man and playfully gawked and rolled their eyes.

"Let's get to work." Endeavor butted in making the others shut their mouth.

Since there wasn't ANY single light inside the empty insides of the boulder. They made Endeavor walk inside first. It's already obvious why.

It was a wide cave with lots of stairs, but it wasn't too rusty or too much moss, it was actually... Clean.

Soon after, they arrived at a 'tunnel' which Ryuku was talking about earlier, the female pros gasped at the magical sight. The tunnel was decorated with soft pastel fairy lights and each meter has a small chandelier making it look like a paradise.

Leaves and roots that were crawling beautifully on the walls has flowers around them. They continued to walk until they heard muffled sounds.

And there they saw a mansion. It was full of beautiful lights, the mansion was big enough to the point that it can already fit thousands of people.

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